Thursday, December 11, 2008

Ford Field Update.............

I'm sure most of you have heard now, but the Blackhawks lost in the state final game at Ford Field. It was an amazing experience for everyone. The boys played their hearts out and never gave up. They had a great season and did some things this year that no other football teams have done at Leslie!!! Great job boys. Here are some pictures from that day....

Leslie 20, Montague 41
Ava & Kyle

Ava & I on the field

Monday, November 24, 2008

Leslie Blackhawks!!!

As some of you may know that live around here that the school that I work for, Leslie. Their football team won their semi-final game this past weekend against Monroe St. Mary's and have advance to the State finals at Ford Field this upcoming weekend. They play at 4:30pm on Friday November 28th. It will be aired on Fox Sports Detroit. Look for me on the sidelines trying to keep my kids healthy in their quest for a State Championship!!!! Go Hawks!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

1st big time bruise/bump

On Saturday Ava was driving her ATV in the house and when she went to get off of it she slipped and hit her forehead on the corner of the wall. After we got her calmed down and got some ice on the area we were able to get a few pictures....

side shot....

Papa Hensley was very concerned for the safety of his grand daughter so he had Jane by Ava her first bike helmet. She wasn't very fond of it but she will get use to it.....

The day after photo..........looking much better!!!

Happy Halloween!!!!!!

Miss Ava dressed up this year as a Deer Hunter. Her cousin Cameron was her deer, but Kyle wasn't able to get a good picture of Ava and Cameron together because she didn't want to sit still. Kyle had to take her Trick or Treating because I had to work. ( The Leslie Blackhawks made it to the football playoffs and played that night and were victorious!)
So, here a few pictures of her that I took before I left for work.

Miss Deer Hunter

I can see you.......

Mommy and Ava!!!

Daddy's little Hunter!!!!!
( she had a camo coat and pink camo hat that she wore later, that completed her outfit)

Our pumpkins were still going that night when we got home.....

20 week & 15 month update....

I went to the doctor's last week for my 20 week check up. Everything is going well. The baby's heartrate was 160bpm and my doctor is happy with how the baby is growing from the ultrasound results. Doctor Taylor is getting excited because our baby is going to be the last baby that he delivers!!! I'm sad, but I'm glad that we got pregnant when we did or else I would of had to find a new doctor and Dr. T is the awesome. My next check up at 24 weeks is the Wednesday before Thanksgiving!!! Half way there!!!

Miss Ava went to the doctor's last week as well for her 15 month check up and shots. She weighed in at 22.8lbs and is 31" tall. Jena is pleased with Ava and everything that she is doing. Jena also told Ava that she is one of the best little ones to do a check up on because she lays still while Jena listens to her heart & lungs and when she looks at her mouth, nose and ears!!! Poor Ava had to get her Tetanus & flu shot, so she wasn't happy with that but she got over it!!! Healthy one here doesn't have to go back to the doctor's until the end of January for her 18 month check up!!!!

The following pictures I took at my mom's house. Ava loved playing in the leaves!!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008


We had our ultrasound on yesterday. Everything went well. Baby Henlsey is growing right on schedule (March 18th). The heart was beating perfectly. We did not find out the sex of the baby, so everyone will just have to wait until this little one shows it's face!!!!
Here a few pics.....

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Happy Fall

Here are a few pics that I took of Miss Ava on our front porch with her pumpkins....

playin' in the leaves....

Baby #2 Update

I went to the doctor's two weeks ago for my 16 week check up. Everything went great!! The heartbeat was still very strong. We go on Wednesday the 22nd for our ultrasound to make sure baby is growing they way he/she should, but don't get too excited because we are NOT finding out the sex of this one. It's going to be a SURPRISE in March!!!!


A couple weeks ago, our friends Amanda and Ben came into town and we decided to go bowling. It was Ava's first time and she loved it for the first 5 frames then all she wanted to do was walk around. Her are a few pics from that day.......

Ava's is the yellowish one in the middle...

Ready to help me daddy????

Here are my two cuties in two very ugly colors............if they weren't so damn cute this would be an UGLY picture....

Ava hangin' out with her friend Hudson watching the Lion's lose of course......

Last Sunday we were all laying around being lazy and watching football. Ava started straining like she was getting ready to poop. So, I asked her if she was pooping and she grabbed her butt, so I hurried her into the bathroom and sat her on her potty and the next thing we know she has POOPED!!!! She loves sitting on her potty, but hasn't gone on it since, but she is still interested!!!

1st Poop on the potty......

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Well it has been a long time since I last blogged. Life has been busy running after a 14 month old, but it is always interesting!!! Ava is growing by leaps and bounds everyday. She is learning so much and growing up to be such a big girl!!!
What have we been up to??? For Labor Day weekend Kyle's parents decided to take us all to a Detroit Tigers' game. Of course they lost but we had a great time and got to see some fireworks (that Ava fell asleep during). Here are some pictures from that day!!!
Ava & Papa riding the Tiger

Walkin' around.....

Ava and Mommy with Paws

We also spent Sunday of Labor Day weekend at my mom's swimming and enjoying good food with the Womble's. Monday was a day of relaxation and I had to work later that night.

On September 8th, I went to the doctor's for my 12 week checkup. I was able to hear the heartbeat (strong and healthy at 168 bpm). Dr. Taylor said everything is on schedule and going fine. I go back on October 6th for my 16 week check up. Overall I have been feeling good. Extremely tired, but isn't that expected?!?!?! I have had a couple bad days that this baby is kickin' my butt, but other than that I'm feeling GOOD!!!

September 14th was Ken' birthday, so Jennifer and I thought it would be cute to get him a t-shirt with a picture of Ava and Cameron on it. So, we took a picture of the two of them in camo and put Papa's Lil' Hunters on the shirt. Here is one of the pictures from that day!!!

Ava goes to Dr. Garner's on October 30th for her 15 month check, so check back then for more updates on peanut!!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Houghton Lake

A couple of weekends ago we went up to Houghton Lake to Uncle Ron's cottage and spent the weekend with Kyle's family. We got up there vary late Friday night because I had to work, but it was nice to sleep in on Saturday. Saturday we got up and the boys' went fishing and us girls plus Cameron just hung out at the cottage.
Ava remembering what it was like to lay in her swing....

Then we went over to Uncle Clyde's and Barb's and he took us out on the boat.

Ava driving the boat with Papa

Cameron and Ava in their life jackets....

Ava hanging out at the front of the boat with the wind blowing in her face......she loved it!!!!

warming up from a cold swim in the lake

I was trying to get her dressed so she could warm up, but Papa was on the side of the boat in the water and she wanted to be in there with him!!! ( Gosh I hope that is not telling us anything about her future....................)

The Hensley Family

(back row: Ken, Steve, Shaun, and Kyle
front row: Jane, Kelli, Jennifer with Cameron, and Ava and I)

On Saturday night after we gave Ava her bath, we dressed her up for a special occasion.......
Yep, you are reading that correctly......Ava is going to be a BIG sister in March 2009!!!!!!!

We are all very excited yet nervous. Everything happens for a reason!!!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Birthday at the Zoo

We had a big birthday party for Ava at Potter Park Zoo (that's where Kyle works now). We reserved the pavillon by the playground and had a beautiful day. We thank all of our family and friends that were able to make it and share this special day with Ava. She loved the food and her cake (Thanks Nan they were a hit). Ava got a ton of cute clothes, books, puzzles and toys. Thanks again everyone!!!

Lion and Turtle cupcake cakes

yummy food & cake

Thanks for coming everyone!!!!