Monday, August 25, 2008

Houghton Lake

A couple of weekends ago we went up to Houghton Lake to Uncle Ron's cottage and spent the weekend with Kyle's family. We got up there vary late Friday night because I had to work, but it was nice to sleep in on Saturday. Saturday we got up and the boys' went fishing and us girls plus Cameron just hung out at the cottage.
Ava remembering what it was like to lay in her swing....

Then we went over to Uncle Clyde's and Barb's and he took us out on the boat.

Ava driving the boat with Papa

Cameron and Ava in their life jackets....

Ava hanging out at the front of the boat with the wind blowing in her face......she loved it!!!!

warming up from a cold swim in the lake

I was trying to get her dressed so she could warm up, but Papa was on the side of the boat in the water and she wanted to be in there with him!!! ( Gosh I hope that is not telling us anything about her future....................)

The Hensley Family

(back row: Ken, Steve, Shaun, and Kyle
front row: Jane, Kelli, Jennifer with Cameron, and Ava and I)

On Saturday night after we gave Ava her bath, we dressed her up for a special occasion.......
Yep, you are reading that correctly......Ava is going to be a BIG sister in March 2009!!!!!!!

We are all very excited yet nervous. Everything happens for a reason!!!!

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