Saturday, September 27, 2008


Well it has been a long time since I last blogged. Life has been busy running after a 14 month old, but it is always interesting!!! Ava is growing by leaps and bounds everyday. She is learning so much and growing up to be such a big girl!!!
What have we been up to??? For Labor Day weekend Kyle's parents decided to take us all to a Detroit Tigers' game. Of course they lost but we had a great time and got to see some fireworks (that Ava fell asleep during). Here are some pictures from that day!!!
Ava & Papa riding the Tiger

Walkin' around.....

Ava and Mommy with Paws

We also spent Sunday of Labor Day weekend at my mom's swimming and enjoying good food with the Womble's. Monday was a day of relaxation and I had to work later that night.

On September 8th, I went to the doctor's for my 12 week checkup. I was able to hear the heartbeat (strong and healthy at 168 bpm). Dr. Taylor said everything is on schedule and going fine. I go back on October 6th for my 16 week check up. Overall I have been feeling good. Extremely tired, but isn't that expected?!?!?! I have had a couple bad days that this baby is kickin' my butt, but other than that I'm feeling GOOD!!!

September 14th was Ken' birthday, so Jennifer and I thought it would be cute to get him a t-shirt with a picture of Ava and Cameron on it. So, we took a picture of the two of them in camo and put Papa's Lil' Hunters on the shirt. Here is one of the pictures from that day!!!

Ava goes to Dr. Garner's on October 30th for her 15 month check, so check back then for more updates on peanut!!!

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