Friday, April 11, 2008

Spring Break..........

This week I have been on has been nice because I have been able to get some things done around the house that needed to get done. On Monday, I washed the wainscot in the kitchen so I could paint it ( I was suppose to do that 2 spring breaks ago and then last spring break but I was preggo for Ava....oops). My sis Alicia came over that day and washed my kitchen walls, dusted and vacuumed for me (THANKS!!!).
On Tuesday, my friend Cortney came over with her little girl Meghan. We had chicken kabobs on the grill, potato salad and strawberry shortcakes. It was nice to spend time with her and watch Ava and Meghan interact (since there is about a 2 1/2 year age gap). We also got outside in the afternoon and did a little yard work before it snows again this weekend.
On Wednesday we got up bright and early to take my sisters to Jackson to catch the Michigan Flyer (it's a bus that takes people to the airport for those of you who are not Michiganders) so they could fly out to Denver, CO for the Frozen Four (men's ice hockey.........oh yeah and it snowed when they got there), my mom joined them later that night from Tampa (she was there for the women's baskeball final four). Next we headed to my doctor to have a mole removed off of my back. It was weird looking and it just appeared since Easter........still waiting to hear the results (please keep your fingers crossed that it's not malignant). I dropped Ava off at daycare that day so I could go home and pain the wainscot. Which I did, so it is finally all done.
Yesterday, I took Ava to daycare and just came home and cleaned the house. I got bored of looking at Ava's room the way it was so I rearranged it. I think it makes the room look bigger the way it is now and she slept through the night last night........finally after a week of waking up all through the night. I also emptied out our closets and drawers and got rid of 4 bags of clothes, two baby stuff and two of Kyle and I's stuff.......that all went to Goodwill.
Today, I have just sat around and relaxed enjoying my last day of vacation.
Ava in her Maine sunhat from Rachel......

Hangin' out with my friend Macy

My newest thing....pull myself up, bend over and pick up my toy, drop it and pick it up again while holding on to the ottoman the whole time..........

This week at the zoo has been an eventful one for Kyle. Sunday night Ebony the female Rhino who has been battling cancer passed away, so they had to load her up and take her away. Her pal Spike who was the healthy one passed away in February from liver disease. Now the zoo is looking to bring in either two more black Rhinos or two white ones. Then yesterday (Thursday), the zoo welcomed a 1 year old female lion. Kyle helped carry her in in her cage and she roared at him. Ava and I are hoping to get to the zoo sometime soon. Maybe when it warms up a little more.

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