Friday, April 25, 2008

A Busy couple of weeks.........

This week has been a little crazy. Getting back into the swing of things since I was on vacation. Ava is growing by leaps and bounds. She is cruising along furniture and back and forth between the couch and ottoman. We bought her a walk behind walker, which she loves. She is going to be walking by herself in no time. Kyle and I have been busy getting our house ready to put on the market. We don't have to move, but we just want to see if we can sell our house and get something a little bigger for almost the same amount of money we are paying now. If we don't sell, it's no big deal because we do love the house we are in.
Mole removal update: I have to go back in May for a biopsy. The lab wanted to see more of the area. Keep your fingers crossed that it is nothing....
Ava and I are going to walk our first 5K on Sunday. We are doing the Susan Komen Race for the Cure. I have a goal to walk a 5K every month so I have to get out and get some exercise. I am going to start playing softball again this summer with my mom and sisters on Thursday nights. Kyle and I are playing volleyball on Wednesday nights and Kyle is playing golf with his dad on Thursday nights. Ava goes for her 9 month check up on Wednesday, so check back then for the update and pictures from our 5K.

my new walking toy

I'm tired of walking I just want to chew now.

momma and Ava being silly

my cool new shades

Big people food......finally they will let me feed myself....:)

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