Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Acelynn turns 3!!!!!

Acelynn is turning 3 this month. Can you believe it?? Because I can't. It feels like yesterday we were just bringing our jaundice little baby home to weather like we are having now. She has grown up so fast. She is little Miss Independent. She might be on the small side, but she is ONE BIG dose of attitude!!!! We go in at the end of the month for her 3 year check up because we made a trip into the doctors on Thursday. Acey woke up complaining that her ear hurt. So, she was diagnosed with a double ear infection and I had strep!!! Awesome just what I needed/wanted the week of her birthday party. Thankfully, I had finished her scrapbook a week earlier and had almost everything done.

We went and visited Megan at her studio. I sat out in the waiting room and let Megan and Acey do their thing. All I could hear was, "I wanna do this" "I don't wanna do that". So, it sounded like Acey knew what poses she wanted to do for her pictures. And this is what we got!!!

This one just makes me realize how grown up she is getting......tear

love this!!!

Our little princess

This is a great picture capturing her "Attitude"

Happy Birthday Acelynn Jane!!!!

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