Monday, March 26, 2012

Bike Ride

Yesterday we had beautiful weather for it being March and the girls have been enjoying going on bike rides and for walks. I finally took my camera with us to get some pictures of the girls on their bikes.

Acey all ready for the ride
Ava all ready to go

Our little bike riders

Ava has been doing better about pedaling. She still likes to pedal backwards and wonders why her bike won't go forward. I'm sure by the end of the summer we will be without or close to no training wheels.

Acey is still trying to figure out the whole pedaling thing. She loves going for the ride!!!

Acey and daddy

Ava riding around the cul-de-sac

Acey was trying to run next to Ava....too cute

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Doolittle's Bit Top Circus

Ava's Early Learning class put on a production of Doolittle's Big Top Circus this year. Mrs. Cousins' took over doing the Circus after Margaret Doolittle passed away about a year and a half ago. Mrs. Doolittle had been doing the circus for years before that!!!!

The Lion's and their Master.....
Parading around singing their song

The Ring Master

The tight rope walkers

The Elephants and their Master

The Stilt walkers

The Stagehand's

The Strong Men

This Strong man lost the tug of war, so he was eating his Wheaties for the next competition!!!

The Horseback Riders

The Tumblers

The Clown's

Miss Ava

The Circus Performers

All the kids did an excellent job. I was very proud of Ava. She has really come out of her shell this past year. At the beginning of the year I would of never thought that she would get up on stage and talk LOUD in front of people. She is growing up so fast!!!!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Ava and ear piercing......

Ava came to me Wednesday morning and asked if she could get her ears pierced. I have wanted to do it for a long time, but Kyle always puts a kabosh on it. I told her that I would have to talk to her dad about it and she tells me that she already has and he said it was okay. Still I need to talk to him. She wants to go tomorrow after we see friends of ours. So, after I talk with Kyle and he is okay with it, we wait and see if she brings it up......well, she does. That day after she got off the bus she was ready to go then. So, when I got home from work that night we headed to the mall. When we walked into Icing the lady informed us that she was the only one working, so she would have to do pierce her ears one at a time. So, we decided to walked over to Claire's....same situation. So, I asked Ava what she wanted to do.....She wanted to go back to Icing and get her ears pierced!!!!

Ava getting her ear lobes cleaned

I think she is looking a little nervous.....maybe it was just me nervous for her.

getting the dots.....

The lady would not let me take pictures while she was actually doing the piercing because she didn't want my flash (which I wasn't using) or the sound of my camera taking a picture (which I had turned off) to startled Ava and make her jump.........

Checking out her new ear rings!!!!!!!!!!

One happy girl!!!

She was a trooper. She got a little red in the face after the first shot, but no tears!!!!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Disney on Ice

My sisters asked if they could take the girls to see Disney On Ice. Sure they would love it. Well, we didn't say anything to the girls about it. When my sisters picked them up, they had no idea. My sisters were able to keep it from my girls until they were about 10 minutes away from the Palace. My girls were so excited!!!

Ava, Acelynn and Aunt Alicia

Ava, Acelynn and Aunt Rissy


Alice in Wonderland

So, I sent my camera with them so they could get some pictures, but I had forgotten to put the memory card back in it. So, they were able to go get some shots before my internal memory was full. The girls had a great time!! And to top it off, they had a slumber party at Aunt Alicia's!!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Princess Acelynn's Party

Awhile back I asked Acelynn what kind of birthday party she wanted and at first she told me Bubble Guppies. Of course she picks one of the shows that Nickelodeon hasn't released for party decor. But then I asked again and she told me that she wanted a Princess party. Okay, that will be A LOT easier to do. We had a Disney Princess party for Ava's 3rd birthday, so I didn't want to do the same thing. So, I found some ideas and decided we are going to have a pink & orange Princess party!!!

Decorating for the party

Ava, Kaylee and Acelynn

Kaylee found the comfy spot!!!!

The drink station

Acelynn's throne of gifts

Acelynn's cake made by Becky Swab. We did a cake just for Acelynn. Everyone else helped themselves to a sundae bar.

Acelynn's scrapbook

The Princess getting ready to open her presents

Opening her gift from Ava

A barbie and squinkies

Opening her gift from Shaylin

A Princess bowling set

Opening her gift from Carter

A set of Tinkerbell Fairies

A dress and an outfit

Opening her gift from Cameron

A swim suit and cover

And a basketball hoop

Opening her gift from Hudson & Will

3-D sidewalk chalk

and a Happy Feet 2 game

Opening her gift from Laine

A pool barbie and dogs

Opening her present from Madie

Dr. Seuss books

and Owls in their nest (fabric was Dr. Seuss)

Opening her present from Logan. He was a little small yet to sit in the throne.

A Princess microphone, keys and a purse

A summer outfit from Wackie Jackie

Paddington Bear and book from the Womble's

A portable DVD player from Meemaw and Papa

A Princess backpack from Aunt Rissy

A warm soft blanket from Ann.

She has slept with this every night!!!

A dollhouse puzzle from Aunt Alicia & Uncle Jason

Finally, a tv from mommy & daddy.

Since she has gotten this tv, she has NOT come into our room during the night.


blowing out her #3 candle