Monday, February 22, 2010

11 months old & Happy Valentine's Day

Acelynn turned 11 months old on February 12th. Wow! How time flies. I can't believe that in 2 weeks we will be having her 1st birthday party.

She is growing up so fast. Here is what she has been up to:
  • walking with support (loves to walk behind her walker)
  • waving bye-bye with her whole arm not just opening and closing her hand
  • She says mama, dada, thank you and bye bye
  • She has 4 teeth now with the 5th one poking through
  • She is weighing in at 16# 9oz
  • She loves to read books and play with her musical toys
  • You can always find her playing in Ava's room
  • She is starting to drink more out of a cup and is feeding herself more
  • She transitioned into a new carseat and loves it, but won't be forward facing anytime soon
  • She loves to pull Ava's hair and for the most part Ava doesn't mind
  • She is climbing up EVERYTHING....
  • She can climb up the stairs by herself and get down off the couch and our beds by herself

in her new carseat!!!!

climbing on the picnic table just because it was there


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