Sunday, February 28, 2010

Acelynn's 1 year pictures

Acelynn is turning 1 in 12 days. I can't believe how fast this past year has gone. So, I decided to get professional pictures done instead of doing it myself. So we took the girls to Portrait Innovations last week and this is what they produced!!!

this one was my ultimate just captures her

We did get some pictures take of the girls together as well and I will post them soon!!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Yup it's true.......

I turned 30th on February 8th. I celebrated my birthday with a family dinner at my in-laws January 31st. Then spent Friday February 5th with my wonderful friend Amanda (who also has the same bday as me....actually we are only born an hour and a half apart...too weird) at Douglas J pampering ourselves with a facial, pedi and I did the mani while Amanda got her hair washed and styled. Then we went to lunch at our favorite place, BW3's. After that we went out to dinner with our hubby's to Dublin Square in East Lansing. Then proceeded to stop at City Limits for a drink or two then on to Darbs for our BIG birthday drink (see pic below).

Our BIG birthday drink!!!
On my actual birthday I had a birthday dinner with my family at my mom's. Thinking my birthday festivities were over much to my SURPRISE they weren't. Kyle told me that we were going out to dinner with some of his friends that work at Hawk Island to Buddies this past Saturday night. So, I got my dad to take Ava to the MSU hockey game and my mom to take Acelynn (and mom even offered to take Ace over night) to the hockey game as well. But then my dad called and canceled on me, so I asked my mom if she could take Ava as well and she amazingly agreed. So, we walk into Buddies Saturday night and much to my SURPRISE all my friends and family are there for my SURPRISE birthday party. I had absolutely no clue!!!! I had a great time. So here is my 30th birthday cake and me blowing out the candles!!!


Thank you to my family and friends who helped me celebrate this milestone in my life!!! I love you all!!!

P.S. so to all of you that always harp on me about only posting things and pictures of the girls here is a blog all about ME!!!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

11 months old & Happy Valentine's Day

Acelynn turned 11 months old on February 12th. Wow! How time flies. I can't believe that in 2 weeks we will be having her 1st birthday party.

She is growing up so fast. Here is what she has been up to:
  • walking with support (loves to walk behind her walker)
  • waving bye-bye with her whole arm not just opening and closing her hand
  • She says mama, dada, thank you and bye bye
  • She has 4 teeth now with the 5th one poking through
  • She is weighing in at 16# 9oz
  • She loves to read books and play with her musical toys
  • You can always find her playing in Ava's room
  • She is starting to drink more out of a cup and is feeding herself more
  • She transitioned into a new carseat and loves it, but won't be forward facing anytime soon
  • She loves to pull Ava's hair and for the most part Ava doesn't mind
  • She is climbing up EVERYTHING....
  • She can climb up the stairs by herself and get down off the couch and our beds by herself

in her new carseat!!!!

climbing on the picnic table just because it was there


Monday, February 8, 2010

MSU Hockey

We took the girls to the MSU hockey game vs. Notre Dame with Aunt Jennifer, Uncle Shawn and Cameron. Both girls had a blast and the Spartans won! So, Ava got to sing the fight song a lot!!!

the girls sitting on the steps

Acelynn cheering

Ava looking cute in her GREEN

Ava watching the game on the steps

Mr. Cameron enjoying the game as well....

Winter fun!!!!

I was finally able to get the girls outside and play in the snow because it was actually warm enough. So, we got out Ava's sled boat (that's what she calls her sled that Papa Steve got her for Christmas) and I pulled the girls around the yard in it. They seemed to have because they were giggling the whole time.

Ava playing in her house

The girls on the sled

Champ and Acelynn playing in the snow

Acelynn checking out the snow for the first time

What is this stuff??