Monday, April 13, 2009

Go State!!!

So, I should of had these up a month ago, but life got in the way. We went to an MSU hockey game with Jennifer (Kyle's sis), Shaun and Cameron. It was an exciting game, but MSU ended up losing I believe in the final minute or so against Notre Dame. Cameron and Ava had fun though!!!

Our cute Spartans

They love giving each other kisses

Ava watching the game

My mom and sister took Ava to one of the women's games and they got to have their picture taken on the floor. They tried getting a picture taken with Sparty, but Ava is terrified of him up close but she can pick him out any where and loves day she will like him in person.

Waiting with Champ for my mom to pick her up to go the the basketball game!!

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