Monday, April 13, 2009


Well, it has been a crazy first couple weeks with Miss Acelynn. Our first week home she was on the billiblanket for her jaundice, our second week went great. But the third week didn't start off so great. She was getting really congested, so I took her on a Friday afternoon just to make sure it was nothing before the weekend......BOY was I wrong. Acelynn tested positive for RSV and we were sent and admitted into Sparrow. We spent Friday evening til Monday afternoon in the hospital. Acelynn was a trooper and only had to have her oxygen saturation levels monitored. She didn't have to have any meds or IV fluids. She is doing great since we have been home.

Acelynn with her IV port in "just in case"

Acelynn on Oxygen

Ava & Acelynn (Ava loves to hold her lil' sis all the time)

Acelynn hangin' out with mom

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

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