Thursday, April 30, 2009

Laylin Park

A few weekends ago when it was beautiful out, I took the girls to Laylin Park so Ava could play with my nephew Cameron.

Just chillin'

Silly girl

Pretty girl

Cameron sitting on the Turtle

Ava driving the space ship

Ava & Cameron swinging

More Pictures.......

Here are some more pictures from the last couple of weeks.....

Ava's new playhouse

Ava in her sandbox

The money that the Easter Bunny (a.k.a. GG) brought her

Easter Egg hunt

Acelynn's first Easter Egg


She fell asleep on the boppy

Daddy & his girls

We did the 4 mile walk on Sunday for March of Dimes in memory of Paige Louise and Hope Sophia Rivera and also for our friends kids Ian and Ada Tassinari who were both helped by March of Dimes..............

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!!!

We hope that everyone had a great Easter. It was such a beautiful day (finally). I got the girls' pictures taken Saturday night. I actually had to bribe Ava with a cookie just so she would sit still long enough for me to get a couple good shots of her, but that is why I don't pay to get them professionally would be a waste of money!!!

Acelynn Jane (1 month old)

Ava Margaret

Acelynn Jane



Well, it has been a crazy first couple weeks with Miss Acelynn. Our first week home she was on the billiblanket for her jaundice, our second week went great. But the third week didn't start off so great. She was getting really congested, so I took her on a Friday afternoon just to make sure it was nothing before the weekend......BOY was I wrong. Acelynn tested positive for RSV and we were sent and admitted into Sparrow. We spent Friday evening til Monday afternoon in the hospital. Acelynn was a trooper and only had to have her oxygen saturation levels monitored. She didn't have to have any meds or IV fluids. She is doing great since we have been home.

Acelynn with her IV port in "just in case"

Acelynn on Oxygen

Ava & Acelynn (Ava loves to hold her lil' sis all the time)

Acelynn hangin' out with mom

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Go State!!!

So, I should of had these up a month ago, but life got in the way. We went to an MSU hockey game with Jennifer (Kyle's sis), Shaun and Cameron. It was an exciting game, but MSU ended up losing I believe in the final minute or so against Notre Dame. Cameron and Ava had fun though!!!

Our cute Spartans

They love giving each other kisses

Ava watching the game

My mom and sister took Ava to one of the women's games and they got to have their picture taken on the floor. They tried getting a picture taken with Sparty, but Ava is terrified of him up close but she can pick him out any where and loves day she will like him in person.

Waiting with Champ for my mom to pick her up to go the the basketball game!!