Friday, February 27, 2009

Start the Countdown...

At my 37 week appointment on Tuesday everything checked out great except that the baby is still breached. So, my doctor who doesn't do surgeries referred me on to another OB that does. Kyle and I met with that doctor yesterday to see what he thought and so on.......well, he said the possibility that the baby will turn from now until it's due is very unlikely (there is still a chance but a very small one). He did an ultrasound in his office and the baby hasn't moved since my last ultrasound. So, this baby will be here via c-section on March 12th, unless it comes on its own before then. They will let me deliver vaginally if the baby flips, but if I go into labor and the baby hasn't flipped they will do a c-section. Either way this baby will be here in 13 days!!!!!

1 comment:

Trish & Mark said...


I just happened onto your site, tonight. Good Luck with your delivery. We'll be thinking of you and praying for you on Thursday. Congratulations to you and Kyle on your newest miracle!
