Sunday, December 20, 2009

Merry Christmas

Well, I didn't get around to getting Christmas cards done this year, this is our Christmas card. I hope everyone is doing well this holiday season and we hope that you have a GREAT 2010!!! Kyle and I are really excited to watch the girls on Christmas this year opening their presents. We have been very fortunate this year. We thank GOD everyday for what he has given us.

Acelynn turned 9 months old this past Monday. We went to the Doctor's for her checkup..she weighted in at 16.1# and is 28" long. Dr. G was very happy with her progress. She said she is meeting every milestone and is healthy. That's all we can ask for.
This is what Acelynn has been up to:
  • crawling all over the place (she likes to head right for Ava's room to play)
  • she is pulling herself up
  • she has one tooth, it's not completely up yet, but you can feel it.
  • she is clapping
  • she is giving high fives
  • she just started waving bye-bye
  • for the most part she is sleeping thru the night
  • she loves her swing to take naps in (we will have to break her of that habit soon)
  • she loves playing the piano and playing with puzzles ( or chewing on them)

the girls after we put up our tree

Acelynn's 9 month photo shoot

Ava is growing by leaps and bounds as well. Her vocabulary amazes us everyday. She told Kyle the other night that her gums hurt because her molar was coming in. She just blows us away!!!

Saturday, November 28, 2009


Leslie High School put on Cinderella last weekend as their fall musical. I thought it would be a great opportunity to take Ava. So, my friend Linda and her daughter Cassi, Ava and I all went. We met at McDonald's for dinner and then went to the play. The girls had a great time and sat through the whole thing!!!! They got to dress up in their beautiful Cinderella dresses!!

Ava and Cassi

Cassi and Ava with their magical wands (that they got for free for dressing up)
After the musical they allowed everyone to go up on stage to take pictures on the palace steps and in the carriage!!!

Ava on the steps

Cassi on the steps

Ava in the carriage

Afterwards, we stopped by the VFW for the Buck Pole. Ava loved seeing the BIG BUCKS!!! Why is it that my daughter will pet the dead deer and pull it up to her by their antlers but is terrified of Elmo, Mickey, Santa, Sparty and the Blackhawk in character????


Here are some random pictures from the last month or so....

Ava visiting Uncle Steve at the Fire station!!!

The girls taking a bath together...

Acelynn standing up by herself

Acelynn waiting patiently to get in the tub

Ava being a BIG helper and feeding Acelynn

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Okay, so it has only taken me a month to post these....We took the girls over to my sister in laws house to go trick or treating. Ava and Cameron rode in the wagon together and did a great job of saying "trick or treat" or "I want candy" and then saying Thank you. Acelynn ended up falling asleep in the stroller!! Great time had by all!!!

The girls in the Halloween attire for daycare

our pumpkins (Ava's is the cat and Acelynn's is the bat)

Ava getting all the goop out so I could carve it!!!


Savannah the cop, Laine the MSU Cheerleader, Acelynn the Tin Man, Carter the Lion, Cameron the Scarecrow and Ava as Dorothy

Tin Man, Lion, Scarecrow & Dorothy

outside playing in the leaves!!!

Dorothy & Tin Man

Tin Man!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

Today we went with my mom and sisters to get family pictures done at Burchfield Park. I am really excited to see how they turn out. Afterwards we met up with Kyle's family at Rowe's Pumpkin Patch in Mason to pick out pumpkins for the girls. Here are pictures from today!!!!

Acelynn enjoying the trip!!!

Ava & Cameron were holding hands while walking through the barn and looking at the pumpkins

Rowe's had a petting zoo ( Ava was terrified of all the animals), inflatable bouncy toys, apple shooter and John Deere tractors the kids could ride.....

Ava showing her face!!!

The four Hensley grandkids trying to get their photo taken with the animals...

Monday, October 5, 2009

North Carolina

We had a GREAT vacation in North Carolina a couple weeks ago. We went to Corolla which is in the Outer Banks. We stayed in a beautiful house on the beach. Kyle's family all went (Jane, Ken, Jennifer, Shaun, Cameron, Kelli, Steve, Carter and Tim, Andrea and Brody Ness). We had beautiful weather up until Thursday then it rained all day Thursday and Friday, so it made it easier to go home. I have posted some pictures of our trip. I unfortunately lost a lot of pictures that I took early in the week, but I was able to recover some off of my memory card.

Ava picking up shells, Acelynn sitting on the beach, Kyle & Acelynn, Cameron & Ava sharing a Popsicle, Ava on the beach, Kyle & I

Acelynn & Papa, Ava looking for crabs, our family at sunset on the pier, the girls & I, a crab, Acelynn enjoying the hammock swing ( which was a God's send in rocking the girls to sleep)

Ava & Papa walking on the beach, Acelynn & I, Ava & Cameron running on the deck, Ava at the museum, Acelynn on the deck, Kyle & Ava swinging on the swing

Family pictures on the beach

Our family pictures on the beach

Kyle & I went on the Wild horse tour. It was awesome. You take a 4x4 vehicle out to the sand dunes to look for the horses. We were able to see 12 out of 100. It was really neat!!

Sunset over the Currituck Sound, Our beach house from the front, our beach house at night from the back, our dune deck, the Currituck Lighthouse

steamer pots, the beach, Ava & Acelynn sitting in the front porch rockers before we left, me enjoying lobster with our steamer pots!!!

Ava & Grandma in the pool, Cameron, Brody & Ava in the bath tub, Ava & Cameron in the elevator, Acelynn & I in the pool, Acelynn
Acelynn on the beach, Ava looking at the ocean, Ava, Cameron & Uncle Steve playing in the sand, our family on the front porch, The Hensley girls with our feet in the ocean

Thursday, September 17, 2009

6 months old

Mommy took me to the doctor's yesterday for my 6 month appointment. I weighed in at 14lbs 5 1/2 oz and I am 25 3/4 inches long. Jena said that I am doing great and is very happy with everything that I am doing which is sitting up all by myself, getting up on my knees (I will be crawling soon) and reaching for objects!! I had to get 5 shots. They hurt and I cried for a little bit, but I was done crying by the time mommy got me dressed!!! Here are some pictures that mommy took on Sunday. She is planning on taking my 6 month pictures at the beach in North Carolina next week. So, check back soon for those!!!

Sitting on the bench mommy and daddy bought Ava and I

Checking out the flowers mommy planted under the lilac bushes

Swinging with Ava

Ava was pushing me on the swing......I loved it!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Elmo Live!

My Aunti Kelli, Uncle Steve and cousin Carter got me Elmo Live tickets for my birthday. So, my mommy and daddy took me to the Sunday afternoon show. I really had a great time seeing Elmo and all of his pals from Sesame Street!!! During the show we got to imagine going to different places with the Sesame Street gang. So, we traveled to Mexico, Hawaii, the sea, under the sea, a parade and many other places that I can not remember. Here are just a few pictures that my mommy took that day!!!

Patiently waiting for the show to start!!!

At first when Big Bird came out I got a little scared, but mommy and daddy told me that he wouldn't come any closer, so I relaxed and enjoyed the show!!

Elmo during Elmo's World!!! Dorothy came too!!!

The whole gang in Mexico for Rosita's Abeula's (that's grandma in Spanish) Birthday!!

Abby Caddaby

Also, Labor Day weekend Acelynn and I got to spend the whole weekend with our grandparents while mommy and daddy worked on some landscape projects at home. Friday and Saturday night we stayed with Grandma and Papa Hensley. We had a blast there. Cameron and Carter came over to play with us!!! On Sunday Grammie Layman picked us up and we spent that night and Monday with her. She took us shopping at Meijer's to buy Acelynn a bottle and me a potty seat. She asked me if I wanted BIG girl panties and I said "Yes", so I started working on going on the potty more often that day. On that Sunday, I only had one accident outside!! On Monday I only had one accident as well. This week went pretty well with it. I had the most accidents at daycare, I just got so busy playing I forget to tell Kimmie that I have to go potty. But I am still working on it.....hopefully soon NO MORE diapers!!!
One last thing that I am getting really excited for....... is on Friday the 18th, mommy, daddy, Acelynn and I are headed for the BEACH for a whole week!!!! I have been waiting so patiently to go!! We are driving down and leaving after mommy's football game. I can't wait to get there and play in the pool and on the beach! Our beach house is in Corolla, North Carolina (that's in the Outer Banks), so stay tuned for our pictures from the beach!!!