Sunday, December 20, 2009

Merry Christmas

Well, I didn't get around to getting Christmas cards done this year, this is our Christmas card. I hope everyone is doing well this holiday season and we hope that you have a GREAT 2010!!! Kyle and I are really excited to watch the girls on Christmas this year opening their presents. We have been very fortunate this year. We thank GOD everyday for what he has given us.

Acelynn turned 9 months old this past Monday. We went to the Doctor's for her checkup..she weighted in at 16.1# and is 28" long. Dr. G was very happy with her progress. She said she is meeting every milestone and is healthy. That's all we can ask for.
This is what Acelynn has been up to:
  • crawling all over the place (she likes to head right for Ava's room to play)
  • she is pulling herself up
  • she has one tooth, it's not completely up yet, but you can feel it.
  • she is clapping
  • she is giving high fives
  • she just started waving bye-bye
  • for the most part she is sleeping thru the night
  • she loves her swing to take naps in (we will have to break her of that habit soon)
  • she loves playing the piano and playing with puzzles ( or chewing on them)

the girls after we put up our tree

Acelynn's 9 month photo shoot

Ava is growing by leaps and bounds as well. Her vocabulary amazes us everyday. She told Kyle the other night that her gums hurt because her molar was coming in. She just blows us away!!!

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