Monday, November 24, 2008

Leslie Blackhawks!!!

As some of you may know that live around here that the school that I work for, Leslie. Their football team won their semi-final game this past weekend against Monroe St. Mary's and have advance to the State finals at Ford Field this upcoming weekend. They play at 4:30pm on Friday November 28th. It will be aired on Fox Sports Detroit. Look for me on the sidelines trying to keep my kids healthy in their quest for a State Championship!!!! Go Hawks!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

1st big time bruise/bump

On Saturday Ava was driving her ATV in the house and when she went to get off of it she slipped and hit her forehead on the corner of the wall. After we got her calmed down and got some ice on the area we were able to get a few pictures....

side shot....

Papa Hensley was very concerned for the safety of his grand daughter so he had Jane by Ava her first bike helmet. She wasn't very fond of it but she will get use to it.....

The day after photo..........looking much better!!!

Happy Halloween!!!!!!

Miss Ava dressed up this year as a Deer Hunter. Her cousin Cameron was her deer, but Kyle wasn't able to get a good picture of Ava and Cameron together because she didn't want to sit still. Kyle had to take her Trick or Treating because I had to work. ( The Leslie Blackhawks made it to the football playoffs and played that night and were victorious!)
So, here a few pictures of her that I took before I left for work.

Miss Deer Hunter

I can see you.......

Mommy and Ava!!!

Daddy's little Hunter!!!!!
( she had a camo coat and pink camo hat that she wore later, that completed her outfit)

Our pumpkins were still going that night when we got home.....

20 week & 15 month update....

I went to the doctor's last week for my 20 week check up. Everything is going well. The baby's heartrate was 160bpm and my doctor is happy with how the baby is growing from the ultrasound results. Doctor Taylor is getting excited because our baby is going to be the last baby that he delivers!!! I'm sad, but I'm glad that we got pregnant when we did or else I would of had to find a new doctor and Dr. T is the awesome. My next check up at 24 weeks is the Wednesday before Thanksgiving!!! Half way there!!!

Miss Ava went to the doctor's last week as well for her 15 month check up and shots. She weighed in at 22.8lbs and is 31" tall. Jena is pleased with Ava and everything that she is doing. Jena also told Ava that she is one of the best little ones to do a check up on because she lays still while Jena listens to her heart & lungs and when she looks at her mouth, nose and ears!!! Poor Ava had to get her Tetanus & flu shot, so she wasn't happy with that but she got over it!!! Healthy one here doesn't have to go back to the doctor's until the end of January for her 18 month check up!!!!

The following pictures I took at my mom's house. Ava loved playing in the leaves!!!