Sunday, February 17, 2008

1st Swimming Lesson

Today we started swimming lessons for the next 5 weeks. I wasn't so sure how Ava would do in the BIG pool (usually it's not warm), but she did very well. Actually she loved it as you can see from the following pictures........
In her new swim suit (daddy picked it out)

The family

Learning what it's like to float...

Just swimming away......

P.S. as a note to Ava's 6 month check up, I looked in mine and Kyle's baby book to see where we were at 6 months, I was 14# 12oz and 26 3/4" long, Kyle was 16# and 27" long (he started out at 10# though). So, for once Ava is taking after me since we both were the same size at that age. So, that makes me feel better to know that my child is growing just not as fast as the doctor's would like.

Purple ball

We went shopping yesterday at Target and Kyle just had to get Ava a big ball because she loves playing with her golf ball and other balls. She really loves playing with this one!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

Here is Ava in her 1st Valentine's Day onesie made by Wombleland Daycare.

Ava is a pretty girl in her Valentine's Day dress!!!
Smile......Happy Valentine's Day!!!
I had to work tonight, so Kyle and Ava brought me dinner and hungout with me!!!! Doesn't Ava look so happy?!?!?!
When we got home from the basketball game, Kyle and I decided to have a beer (while Ava had her bedtime bottle) to celebrate Valentine's and as I was getting her bottle ready, she was taking sips out of my bottle!!!

6 month check up

Today we went to Ava's 6 month check up. She weighted in at 14# 13.5 oz (10th percentile), 27" long (90th percentile) and a head circumference of 16.5". The doctor's are a little concered with her weight, since she is becoming more mobile they want to make sure she is getting enough calories to grow and not plateau. So, we are moving up to 8oz. bottles. We tried the fruit but she developed a diaper rash, so we now have to mix it in with her cereal. Other than that they are perfectly happy with how she is growing!!! She has become an inch worm, so she is very close to crawling!!! Check back tomorrow for Valentine's Day pictures!!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

More pictures of Ava

Here are some randome pictures of Ava from the past few weeks.
Loving my kick and crawl that I got from the Kinzer's!!
Sitting in mommy & daddy's bed

I want that thing?!?!?!

Mommy & I's feet.....

Sunday, February 10, 2008

My Birthday

I celebrated my 28th birthday last Friday with a day of pampering and dinner with family. I started the day with breakfast with Ava and then off to my facial at Douglas J (that was so amazing and relaxing), then I had a highlight and haircut. I was suppose to have a pedicure and manicure that afternoon, but my manicurist (who is also my friend and neighbor) had to cancel because her Uncle went missing on Wednesday and they unfortentley found him dead Thursday afternoon of an apparent suicide, so to say she really wasn't up for working. No big deal though, Life happens. I went out to dinner with my family to Coral Gables in East Lansing. The food and spirits were great. Thanks to everyone for all my presents. They are wonderful.

My birthday cake!!!

On Saturday Feb. 9th, we met up with some friends at BW3's. Actually my friend Amanda and I share the same birthday and since we had dinner with family on our actual birthday we decided to meet for lunch the next day at our favorite establishment!!!

Cherry Wheat!!!! Our favorite!!!

One happy family!!!!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Super Bowl 42

This was Kyle and Ava during the Super Bowl on Sunday. As you can see by her shirt "Shhhh I'm watching the game with Dad", they were enjoying some daddy/daughter time.