Saturday, August 11, 2007

Life at home with Ava

The first picture is of Ava's first bath without her umbilical cord, she wasn't a big fan until we poured the warm water all over her!! The next two are just cuddle time with mom and dad. Almost everyday you can catch Kyle and Ava taking a nap on the couch when Kyle gets home from work (which he is loving the fact that he is home by 4pm everyday). And then our little one sleeping in her swing which she loves both asleep and awake!!!! Life has been a big adjustment, but going great. She is still waking up between 1:30am and 6am and just being wide awake not really fussy anymore!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These pictures are great! I love being able to check your blog and catch up on what's going on. Thanks for sharing and keeping us up dated!
