Thursday, August 30, 2007

Hanging with my dog Champ!!!
Hanging out with Aubs this week. I can't wait to get bigger so we can play together all the time!!!!
Oh my gosh............I rolled over!!!!
One month old!!!!
Mom, look what I found while you got my bottle.

Can you believe that Ava is almost 5 weeks old. Crazy how time flies. Her and I have one more week together until I have to go back to work. I'm having mixed feelings about that. I would love to stay home with her all day, but I'm going stir crazy at the same time because I miss my kids at school and I miss doing my job. I wish I could just take her with me to work and then life would be great. Ava has started sleeping through the night (6 hours all at once). I am starting to catch up on my sleep and taking naps every chance I get, but I did that in my previous life as well.

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