Thursday, August 30, 2007

Mi Familia

Our family at volleyball

The four amigo's celebrating the birth of Ava Hensley
(Gutz, Kyle, Ken and Darryl)

Boppy Time

Here Ava is spending some time on her boppy.

Good old tummy time......

Hanging with my dog Champ!!!
Hanging out with Aubs this week. I can't wait to get bigger so we can play together all the time!!!!
Oh my gosh............I rolled over!!!!
One month old!!!!
Mom, look what I found while you got my bottle.

Can you believe that Ava is almost 5 weeks old. Crazy how time flies. Her and I have one more week together until I have to go back to work. I'm having mixed feelings about that. I would love to stay home with her all day, but I'm going stir crazy at the same time because I miss my kids at school and I miss doing my job. I wish I could just take her with me to work and then life would be great. Ava has started sleeping through the night (6 hours all at once). I am starting to catch up on my sleep and taking naps every chance I get, but I did that in my previous life as well.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

A day with Grandma T...........

Ava sleeping in my old bean bag............
Ava sleeping on the quilt that my mom got at her old work's grandma shower from the ladies at her new job downtown. Great job ladies!!!!

Ava went and spent the day with Grandma T (Brie's mom) today, so mom and dad could have some adult time. We planned on doing some yard work and getting the outside of our house ready for fall but mother nature had other plans (rain). So, Kyle and I went shopping, went to a movie and had dinner. It was nice spending time with just Kyle again but WE definitely missed our little peanut.
Ava with Grandpa Hewy's buck!!!!!
Ava looks like she is ready to box......
Kyle with his cousin Kirk and their daughters, Laine and Ava
Mom why are you taking my picture??????
My new rocker...what a blast!!!!!!!!!!!

Life is going great. Ava is growing like a weed. I am finally starting to catch up on some sleep since she is almost sleeping through the nights. She started sleeping in her crib this past Thursday and preceded to sleep for 5 1/2 hours before I had to wake her up to eat and then she passed right back out!! Ava also rolled from her stomach to her back on Wednesday. She was sleeping on her stomach and when Kyle went in to check on her she was on her back and she was surprised that she was there!!!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

New Friends......

My mom and her "friend" Steve got to babysit their granddaughters Saturday night, so the proud parents could enjoy adult life again. Steve's granddaughter Rylee is the daughter of Sarah a friend of mine from high school and she is just 2 weeks older than Ava. Ava also got to meet Steve's grandson's Cole and Jake that night as well. What a cute picture!!!!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Play time & swimg time

Ava got to use her "Worm" play mat and loved it. She also loves sleeping and chillin' in her swing.......

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Life at home with Ava

The first picture is of Ava's first bath without her umbilical cord, she wasn't a big fan until we poured the warm water all over her!! The next two are just cuddle time with mom and dad. Almost everyday you can catch Kyle and Ava taking a nap on the couch when Kyle gets home from work (which he is loving the fact that he is home by 4pm everyday). And then our little one sleeping in her swing which she loves both asleep and awake!!!! Life has been a big adjustment, but going great. She is still waking up between 1:30am and 6am and just being wide awake not really fussy anymore!!!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Still more pics

Ava with Aunt Rissy
Ava with Grandpa Layman
Ava with Aunt Alicia
Four generations (Ava, Kyle, Great Grandpa, Grandma Jane), we will be heading up north in September for the 5 generation photo with Ava's Great-Great Grandma!!!!
Ava with Great Grandma Burke
Ava with Great Grandpa Burke

I believe this is all the immediate family with Ava!!! Life is settling down and we are starting to get the hang of all of this. Keep checking back for more updates!!! Thanks to everyone for all the congrats!!! We hope that everyone can meet our little peanut soon.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

More pics.....

Ava with her Aunti Kelli & Uncle Steve
Ava with Grandpa & Grandma Hensley

Ava with Aunti Jennifer & Uncle Shaun