Sunday, January 22, 2012

Finally......winter pictures

We have been waiting for it to snow (which it has on and off) but it hasn't stayed around long enough for us to get outside and take some pictures. I really wanted winter pictures for Christmas cards, but that didn't happen so neither did Christmas cards for 2011, but look for your Valentine!!!! Our friend Megan Kolberg (Megan Kolberg Photography) took these pictures on a beautiful day at Nokomis Park in Okemos.

Acelynn checkin' out the new snow....

I loved this picture of us

especially since you can see our foot trails

Isn't she just too cute?!?!?

Our girls with Champ

Kyle and Acey

So cute!!!!

Champ loved running around in the snow!!

Our world!!!

She was having a blast running all over the place......

Happy Holiday's from the Hensley's

She has already prefected the pouty lip!!

Yikes we are in trouble!!!

Not very often do we just get our pictures taken....

the girls following us....

Love you so much peanut!!!


Love her!!!!

I loved this family picture also, but was bummed because Champ didn't want to join us on the steps.........

Snow Angel time!

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