Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Outer Banks - Day 3

This is what the ocean looked like when we woke up Monday morning!!!!

Ava being the Diva she is on the beach

Kelli & Ava getting water to make a sand castle!

Acey & I snuggling

Ava dancing

Acey in her shades....

the waves

Ava decided she wanted to get her suit on to play in the sand

Kyle & Acey chillin'

Kyle took Ava to the water to get her feet wet......everytime the came close to her she took off running

Acey & Cameron

Ava playing in the sand

Cameron playing in the sand

Carter & Cameron going for a run

Carter & Ava playing

Acey & I in the pool

Acey getting her feet wet

the kiddos

Acey & Meemaw

Cameron finally jumping into the pool

(he was a little scared of the pool after we found a crab in it)

Cameron & Shaun relaxin'

Papa & Acey reading some books on the hammack swing...

Kyle & Acey going for a stroll on the beach

Ava & Papa taking a walk

Acey finally standing on the beach in her water shoes of course. She does not like having her bare feet in the sand at least not yet!

Acey & I

do I need to say more?

the girls waiting to go feed the turtles

one of the many turtles we feed

Sunset over the Currituck Sound

Our Family

We had a great day playing in the sand, in the pool, going for walks, feeding the turtles and watching the sun set.

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