Sunday, October 31, 2010

Hayride at the Bailey's

Our friends Bailey & Rudy had a party at their house a couple weekends ago to celebrate Rudy's parents (Steve & Robin) 30th wedding anniversary. They also decided to have a hayride and a scavenger hunt. We did not participate in the scavenger hunt, that was more for the adults, but we did go on the hayride a couple of times...........

Acelynn with her hands up on the hayride....

Ava & Acelynn

The Hensley's

Ellie & Acelynn playing on the steps

Ava & Ellie having a blast on the wagon!!!!

Michigan State vs. Michigan

The Hensley household is a divided household when it comes to MSU and U of M.
I am an MSU fan while Kyle is a U of M fan.
So, of course I am trying to raise my children right and that is to bleed GREEN. Ava already knows most of the words to the MSU fight song and Acelynn loves to cheer to our Sparty that plays the MSU fight song. Kyle keeps trying to get the girls to say Go Blue or to wear blue, but so far he has failed......DARN?!?!?!
So for the MSU vs. U of M game, we watched the game at Kyle's parents house. I'm sure most of us know the outcome of the game, but in case you don't MSU came away with the win. Actually it wasn't even a close game.......better luck next year Kyle!!!!

Acelynn supporting her "divided household" shirt
that Aunt Alicia got her for Christmas

My beautiful daughters in GREEN.....
Kyle bought Ava a Michigan shirt and asked her to wear it that day, but she refused!!!!
That's my girl!!!

Acelynn & Carter in their GREEN

Cameron & Ava also in their GREEN...........

Cheerleader for a game

Every year the Mason Cheerleaders put on a cheer clinic for the young girls and if they participate in that, they get to cheer for the 1st quarter at Mason football game. At first Ava said she didn't want to cheer, but then changed her mind. So, Ava and Laine attended the 3 hour cheer clinic and then cheered the following Friday at the football game!!!!

Learning the cheer "go go get'em get'em, beat'em tonight, beat'em tonight" cheer

practicing stunts

cheering at the game

doing another cheer

smiling at family and friends that were there to watch her.....
Ava had a blast that night and continues to do the cheers at home. She also was a TV star that night as well (channel 6 was there and if you watch the 5th quarter clip from that night, her face is just above the WLNS icon in the lower right hand corner of the screen!!!)

Ava starts preschool.......

Ava started preschool this year. She is going Tuesday and Thursday mornings. It was all she could talk about this summer every time we went past the school, but knew she had to go on the potty all the time before she could go there (what an incentive for us). Well, we were potty trained by July and got the Princess back pack for our birthday!!!

Standing outside the school doors!!!

sitting on an "x" getting ready to start the day

Ava's cousin Laine also attends the same day, but is in a different class
Acelynn, Ava, Laine and Aiden checking out their new school

The preschoolers
Ava & Laine

Ingham County Fair

We were able to make it to the fair this year. Kyle and I were curious to see how the girls would do, because last year Ava did not want to ride any of the rides and Acelynn was too small.
Boy were we mistaken!!!!

Checkin' out Eryn and Madie's pigs!!!!

We saw Addison ( a girl from daycare),
so Ava got excited and wanted to ride the rides with her..

Acelynn on her first ride!!!!

Acelynn riding on the train....

The girls riding on their first ride together!!!!

Happy Halloween!!!!

This year for Halloween we started over at Aunt Carol's because Jennifer and Shaun sold their house. So, we went over there for dinner and to get ready.

Tinkerbell trying to eat her first candy bar

Sleeping Beauty

Tinkerbell & Monkey (a.k.a Carter)

Laine the Zebra, Ava as Sleeping Beauty and Cameron as a Duck
After we got ready and got pictures taken at Aunt Carol's, we were off to my mom's house to go trick or treating over in her neighborhood.

Tinkerbell, Grammie and Sleeping Beauty
The girls lasted for about an hour of trick or treating and got tons of candy. So, we went back to my mom's house and the girls helped my sisters hand out candy. They had a blast with that and were not scared of any of the costumes that came by.

Ava handing out candy with Aunt Rissy

Acelynn handing out candy with Ava and Aunt Alicia

Acey and Daddy

Daddy & Ava

Ava & Mommy

Friday, October 29, 2010

Our new camper

After we got rained on over 4th of July weekend, our tent got moldy. So, we were in the hunt for a new tent....found one, but before we were able to go and buy it we came across a DEAL. Our friends Cortney & Joe were selling their pop up camper for $500.......WE'LL TAKE IT!!!! It's nothing special but we get to sleep off the ground!!!
We took it out for the first time the first weekend in August to Portage Lake. We love it!!!
That weekend we went camping with Kyle's family. We had a blast!!!

the girls on our step....

Acelynn eating some breakfast

the kids eating

Ava & Acelynn walking to the playground!

Ava & I swimming!!!

Ava turns 3.........

Gosh I can't believe Ava is 3 years has time just flown by. We celebrated her birthday on the 24th with a Princess tea party.

Here are her cakes and cupcakes

Princess Ava!!!!

Ava giving Hudson hugs for giving her a new purse
(that she has yet to put down)

Ava got some new wheels!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Princess getting her new sketcher put on her feet by the King....aka Daddy
At her 3 year appointment she weighed 32 pounds and is 38 inches tall...

Visit from family.....

Aunt Mimi, Uncle Matt, Allie and Carly came to visit from California. We hung out a lot while they were here. We also went to the Lugnuts game.

Summer and I with Ava, Laine and Big Lug

Acelynn checking out the game from the outfield

Ava playing at the playground in Center field

The girls playing Ring around the Rosie

The little girls posing with the big girls on Allie and Carly's last night in Michigan!!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Halloween Party at Preschool

Ava had her Halloween Party at preschool the Thursday before Halloween.

Parading the halls...

Spiderman (a.k.a Wyatt ) and Sleeping Beauty

Waiting patiently in line to parade the halls

Enjoying the yummy food.....

Playing musical pumpkins