Monday, March 23, 2009

More Acelynn pictures....

Here are some more pictures of us and our new addition!!!
The Hensley girls!!

Acelynn at home snoozin'

Ava givin' kisses

Ava loves to hold Acelynn even if she is screaming!!!

Momma and Acelynn

Acelynn is done with the phototherapy and heel pricks (Thank goodness). She is adjusting great to life with us. Ava is doing okay adjusting as well. She definitely has her moments but what kid doesn't!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Our new arrivial...............

Acelynn Jane Hensley arrived on Thursday March 12th via naturally!!! She weighed 7# 7oz and is 20.5" long. Everything with labor went great & fast. I am recovering well and Acelynn is adjusting to life at home, but we are battling jaundice. Hopefully her numbers go down today and we can stop the phototherapy. Ava is adjusting well to being a BIG sister and loves to give Acelynn hugs and kiss and loves to hold her.

I will add more pictures when I have some more time....

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Almost done......

Well there is a God and he was listening to my prayers.....I went in on Tuesday for my 39 week check up. Everything was good, my weight (only 17# gained with this one), my blood pressure, my stomach measurement (right on target at 39) and the baby's heart rate at 146 bpm. The only thing that was different than the past couple of check ups is that the baby's heart beat was below my belly button and above my right hip. Yes, that means the baby is HEAD DOWN!!!!
It flipped sometime between Sunday and Monday. So, doc decided to check me and I was dilated to 1cm and 70-80% effaced and he felt the hard head. So, he sent me for an ultrasound to confirm head placement. Sure enough, the baby's head is down. So, my c-section has been canceled for Thursday and an induction has been scheduled instead (Thank You Lord). So, hopefully things go smoothly and quickly and baby Hensley will show its face sometime tomorrow!!!! We will keep you all posted!!!
Thanks to everyone that has been keeping us in their prayers (It worked!)