Friday, February 27, 2009

Start the Countdown...

At my 37 week appointment on Tuesday everything checked out great except that the baby is still breached. So, my doctor who doesn't do surgeries referred me on to another OB that does. Kyle and I met with that doctor yesterday to see what he thought and so on.......well, he said the possibility that the baby will turn from now until it's due is very unlikely (there is still a chance but a very small one). He did an ultrasound in his office and the baby hasn't moved since my last ultrasound. So, this baby will be here via c-section on March 12th, unless it comes on its own before then. They will let me deliver vaginally if the baby flips, but if I go into labor and the baby hasn't flipped they will do a c-section. Either way this baby will be here in 13 days!!!!!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

36 weeks and breeched..........

I went to the doctor on Tuesday for my 36 week appointment ( I am now going every week until birth day). Everything is getting ready for the big day except the baby. The baby was not head down like it is suppose to my doctor sent me for an ultrasound on Friday to see how exactly the baby is laying. Sure enough I have a butt between my hips besides mine. The US tech said there is still a lot of fluid in there for the baby to move and the baby is moving/kicking constantly. So, hopefully it will move on its own when it is ready to come out.
I go back to the doctor on Tuesday for my 37 week check up, so please keep your fingers crossed that this baby turns on its own....
at 36 weeks
Ava just got done kissing my belly (Kyle wasn't quick enough with the camera and it was the only time that night she would do it)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Baby's room

Here are a few pictures of the nursery. It's not quite done, but it's getting there. The walls are still pretty bare, but I'm waiting to see if we have a little girl or boy to finish the decorating!!!!

Ava's new room

We moved Ava into her new room about a month ago, but we just put her into her big girl on Sunday. She loves her new room and plays in there alot.

Miss Ava sleeping in her new big girl bed...

Ava in her big girl bed with ALL her pillows....

My birthday

On Friday February 6th, I spoiled myself to lunch and a day at the spa with my friend Amanda (who also shares the same birthday as I...February 8th). We went to our favorite spot BW's for lunch and then onto Douglas J for facials and pedicures. We both enjoyed ourselves and are planning on going back next year to do the same....

We capped the night off with dinner at Gilbert & Blakes in Okemos with our hubby's!!!!

A few randoms..............

Here are a few random pictures from the last month or so.....

Ava pushing her baby in the stroller out to the van at GG's...

Passed out after swimming in mom and dad's bed....

bath time with Cameron at Grandma's

Played so hard that she just passed out on the floor using her hand sanitizer bottle as a pillow