Friday, January 2, 2009

The Hensley Family Dinner

Every year the Hensley family gets together for a big dinner. This year it was held at Sammy's Lounge. There were over 50 Hensley's in attendance, it was an awesome turn out. Every year Santa comes and brings presents for the kids. Once Santa got there Ava was terrified of him. When he called her name to come and get her present she just started screaming!!! She cried and kept one eye on Santa the whole time she opened her present from him. As soon as Santa left all Ava would say was "Santa bye-bye" and any time you asked her about Santa she would say bye-bye. Hopefully next year she will do better when she sees him.......

Merry Christmas

enjoying a cupcake after dinner

opening her present from Santa..still upset

very upset from getting her present from Santa

Papa and Ava

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