Monday, January 19, 2009

Christmas with my dad.....

One of these days I might get caught up with pictures from Christmas. Here are the pictures from the day my dad came over to give Ava her gift.

Family picture in front of our tree......

Ava using her Leap Frog pen to help her read the book

Watching Grandpa open her new present

My dad got her Bananas for Christmas ( he is the UMaine mascot, a black bear named bananas)
She loves her Bananas

I believe that is all the Christmas pictures. I will try to get some more pictures up of the last couple of weeks, especially Ava's new room!!!! Stay tuned!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Christmas at the Hensley's

Sorry, it has taken me so long to get the rest of these pictures up, but we have been busy with getting Ava's new room together (pictures coming soon). Well, we spent Christmas day with Kyle's family. We headed over to Ken and Jane's about 11am and did presents with his mom, dad, Jennifer, Shaun, Cameron, Kelli and Steve. Ava did well, but got bored after opening her piano and tool set, but we got her attention back when she opened her baby!! Around 1pm the rest of the clan came over and we opened presents with them Ava got a shopping cart full of stuff. Ava and Laine had a blast playing around and under the gingerbread house table!!! Here are a few pictures from that day!!!

Ava playing her piano and holding her baby!!!

Cameron & Ava playing the piano

Ava opening her baby that came with a pack-n-play, stroller, swing and diaper bag

Ava playing her piano

opening her tool set from Cameron!!!
She has used her hammer and screw driver to help her daddy get things done in her new room!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Christmas Morning

Ava did great Christmas morning opening presents. After about 4 presents all she wanted to do was play with the ones she opened. I don't have any pictures of her opening presents because we video taped it and once I have the time to get the video off the camera and on to the computer I will post it. Here are some pictures that I did take that day....

Our tree decorated
(the train underneath was Kyle's Papa's train that he always set up)

Ava checkin' the tree out

Christmas morning

Ava really excited about her new present that daddy is opening

Merry Christmas

Christmas at Grammies

Every year on Christmas Eve we go over to my mom's house to celebrate Christmas with her and my sisters. This year we elected to go to the 6 o'clock mass instead of trying to keep Ava up for the 10:30pm mass. So, we headed to my mom's for dinner, Ava got to open 2 presents before we left for church (to help keep her entertained for the hour), we went to mass and then came back and opened presents and played games.
Ava in her PJ's

Ava & Grammie

Family picture
(the best one we could get b/c someone wanted to take the pictures, not be in them)

Ava reading her new book in her new rocker from Aunt Alicia

Playing with mom's new putter
(I think we might have a golfer in our future)

Ava got crayons and coloring books, so she decided to get the yellow crayon out to color on Aunt Rissy's yellow gift.... what a smart little girl

Ava's silverware with her name on it

Ava's new ABC blocks

Reading a book with/from Grammie about Mountain animal babies

Ava opening her Dora game from Aunt Rissy (so she can play it while she poops on the potty)

Baking Cookies

An annual tradition with Kyle's family is baking cookies the weekend before Christmas. So, Ava and I headed over to Grandma Jane's (Kyle had to work that weekend) to bake cookies. I know Ava loves to watch when I am cooking, so I was pretty excited to have her help bake and decorate cookies.

Helping Aunti Kelli roll the peanut butter cookies

What?!?! I can't eat them after I decorate them???


I'm helping

stirring the frosting to make it red with Aunt Jennifer

The Hensley Family Dinner

Every year the Hensley family gets together for a big dinner. This year it was held at Sammy's Lounge. There were over 50 Hensley's in attendance, it was an awesome turn out. Every year Santa comes and brings presents for the kids. Once Santa got there Ava was terrified of him. When he called her name to come and get her present she just started screaming!!! She cried and kept one eye on Santa the whole time she opened her present from him. As soon as Santa left all Ava would say was "Santa bye-bye" and any time you asked her about Santa she would say bye-bye. Hopefully next year she will do better when she sees him.......

Merry Christmas

enjoying a cupcake after dinner

opening her present from Santa..still upset

very upset from getting her present from Santa

Papa and Ava

Winter Fun......

Here are some pictures of us playing in the snow in early December. Ava enjoyed it for a little while, but had a blast when we brought out Champ. She loved watching him run around in the snow.

trying to take some family pictures for our Xmas card....

Snow Angel