Thursday, July 10, 2008

4th of July

For the 4th we went up to Bois Blanc Island camping with some friends of ours, Amanda and Ben. For those of you who don't know where Bois Blanc Island a.k.a Bob-Lo, it is in the Straits of Mackinaw, 2 islands east of Mackinaw Island and north of Cheboygen. We left early Thursday morning for Cheboygen to catch the ferry. On Thursday we went down to the rocky beach to see how the water was.....very COLD, but we got in anyways. That night it was my night to make dinner, so I made spaghetti, it was a hit!!! Friday we got up and went pack to the rocky beach to get cleaned up and hang out for a bit before the fireworks. We watched 6 different cities fireworks from the pier that night, plus the ones being set off on the pier. Saturday we at lunch at the Bob-Lo Tavern and then stopped in for the annual fun day, but it was almost over with when we got there. Then off to Bible beach for some more swimming. Saturday night we just hung out at the property and played games, ate and sat around the camp fire. I wasn't sure how Ava was going to do with sleeping in a tent and just plain old camping, but she did AWESOME!!! And we made it through the weekend with only giving her the pacifier twice and her handing it back to us...........SO we are done with the PACIFIER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On the ferry back to Cheboygen

At the rocky beach

Ava takin' a nap on the beach

family portrait with the bridge in the background

Ava nude playin' in the sand

waiting for fireworks

swimming at Bible Beach

watching the fireworks

strollin' around the property

playing in the rocky sand

1 comment:

Trish & Mark said...

Love the 4th of July photos, especially the nude beach and you and Ava watching the fireworks.

Sounds like you're loving summer.

Take Care.