Sunday, June 29, 2008


Okay, so I know I have been slacking at this, but life has been very hectic the past couple of weeks. Our house is officially FOR SALE, it went up last Wednesday!!! Keep your fingers crossed that we just get one offer!!!
Ava is growing by leaps and bounds. She is not walking by herself yet, but she sure is crusin'. Her babble is turning more into words. She is saying dad da, ma ma, bye bye, pa pa and dog (at least those are the ones we can make out). She is cutting her front top teeth, so she has been a bit cranky BUT she has gone to bed for the past 6 nights without a pacifier and has slept all the way through the night without one. She made it through today without having one at ALL!!! Hopefully, those are out the door. We went to the doctor on the 19th for a re-check on her ears. Her ears were clear, but she had strep. She also weighed in at 19# 9 oz. We go back on July 28th (her birthday) for her 1 year check up!!!!
Here are some pictures from the past few weeks.

Grammie can't leave her alone for even a second.......

Introducing.....Hudson Christopher Phillips. Who finally decided to come on June 11th (his due date being May 29th) and weighed in at 9# 6oz, 22"long. Proud parents are Chris and Kristin

This was the picture that the grandkids gave Ken for Father's Day. Ava got Kyle a cooler for his golf bag, a U of M golf towel, swim trunks and a BIG mug!!

I love my spaghetti......

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