Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My 1st Mother's Day

I'm sorry that I have been slacking on the whole posting new blogs. Life has just been incredibly busy lately and I have just been totally exhausted!!!
My first mother's day was AWESOME. I started off the day by opening my presents from Ava. She got me a new driver and 5 wood. Two things I needed to help my golf game (now I don't have to borrow Kyle's driver all the time). Then we went to church at Bunkerhill (where my grandma use to attend) with my mom and sisters. After church we went and visited my grandma and grandpa Oakley and my great grandma Oakley at the cemetery across the road from church. It was a little emotional, but would you expect anything less??
After church we all headed back to my mom's for brunch. Each us of girls' made something. After we ate there, Kyle, Ava and I headed over to Grandma Burke's to celebrate the day with Kyle's family. We had bean soup with corn muffins and dirt cake (that Kyle made all by himself).
After we left there, Alicia came over to watch Ava for us, so Kyle and I could go out for an adult dinner, my choice. We headed to Red Lobster. It's not as good as getting in Maine but it will have to do until we go out there next summer for my friend Rachel's wedding.

All in all it was a great day that I am glad that I got to spend with my peanut and my family. The weather could of been nicer though!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My name is Jon Hensley, My grand father was Oakley John Hensley and My grandmother was Mary Jane Hensley (Garrett). My Family Came from the Hensley Mountain on the boarder of Tenn and Ky. My grandfather was part of the original Hensley Clan!