Thursday, May 29, 2008

Happy Memorial Day

Memorial Day started off great. I woke up to realize that it was 11am. Ava was still sleeping!!! For the morning/early afternoon we putzed around the house getting some things done. Then at 3pm we left to go to my mom's for the annual Layman/Womble cookout. It was great to hangout with everyone and just relax. Kyle and I ran to Meijer's to get a swing for Ava to put on my mom's jungle gym. As you can see by the pictures below she loves it!!

Happy Memorial Day!!!!

Ava's new swing at grammie's

so much fun....weeeeeee


This past Sunday Ben and Amanda came over for a cookout and bonfire. It was Ava's 2nd bonfire in two days. Ava and I went over to Grandma and Papa Hensley's Saturday night for a bonfire (Kyle was home sick). We decided to buy Ava her own chair. Isn't it cute?!?!?!
Ava with Kyle

yum...graham crackers

Amanda, Ava and Brie

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Fridge Letters

I bought the Leap Frog fridge letters at a garage sale and Ava just loves pulling them off the fridge.

Tigers, Pistons and Red Wings....

Since the Tigers', Pistons' and Redwings were all playing tonight I had to dress Ava in all her gear. So, she has on a Redwings hat, Piston's shirt and Tigers' pants. Way too cute!!!





Cowgirl Boots

Candy and Denny went to Texas this past winter to visit their daughter Sally and decided to bring Ava back her first pair of cowgirl boots. They are a little big still, I'm sure she will grow into them sometime this summer, but I wanted to put them on a take pictures of them now.
Thanks Candy and Denny!!!

Champ checkin' them out first....

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Just a sandpail

For Mother's Day Kyle made dirt cake, so I bought two pails for him to put the cake in. We gave them both to Ava afterwards for her to play with. It's amazing how a simple pail can keep her entertained.


Here are some pictures of Ava from the past couple of weeks. She is learning new things everyday. She now blows kisses, claps and pats her head. She is also starting to stand more by herself, but won't take any step without holding onto something..........soon though, real soon.
She has been battling a cold since her 9 month check up. We went back to the doctors on May 14th because she had been coughing really bad and it was keeping us all up at night. They put her on Zpack for 5 days. It was suppose to help with the cough and the fluid in her right ear. The cough got better by not happening as much, but it was still bad when she did cough. Well, we went back today because she was really pulling at her right ear and hitting it. Come to find out she finally developed an ear infection and has a upper respiratory infection (she has been coughing up flem but hasn't been able to spit it out so it is collecting in her throat..yuck). They put her on Zyrtec to help with that. So, we will see if that works!!!!

I love mac-n-cheese!!!!


sleeping with daddy........

standing by our self and clapping....

laundry jail (ma I don't like this so much....)

My 1st Mother's Day

I'm sorry that I have been slacking on the whole posting new blogs. Life has just been incredibly busy lately and I have just been totally exhausted!!!
My first mother's day was AWESOME. I started off the day by opening my presents from Ava. She got me a new driver and 5 wood. Two things I needed to help my golf game (now I don't have to borrow Kyle's driver all the time). Then we went to church at Bunkerhill (where my grandma use to attend) with my mom and sisters. After church we went and visited my grandma and grandpa Oakley and my great grandma Oakley at the cemetery across the road from church. It was a little emotional, but would you expect anything less??
After church we all headed back to my mom's for brunch. Each us of girls' made something. After we ate there, Kyle, Ava and I headed over to Grandma Burke's to celebrate the day with Kyle's family. We had bean soup with corn muffins and dirt cake (that Kyle made all by himself).
After we left there, Alicia came over to watch Ava for us, so Kyle and I could go out for an adult dinner, my choice. We headed to Red Lobster. It's not as good as getting in Maine but it will have to do until we go out there next summer for my friend Rachel's wedding.

All in all it was a great day that I am glad that I got to spend with my peanut and my family. The weather could of been nicer though!!!