Sunday, December 16, 2007

Growing up so fast..........

On Thursday night, Ava rolled over from her back to her belly at Grandpa and Grandma Hensley's house. She has done it a couple times since including tonight. Once she got onto her belly on the couch she managed to push her little butt up in the air and crawl. She started out about 6-8 inches away from my leg and next thing I know her little head is resting on my leg looking up at me. Kyle and I are both so excited that we both got to witness this milestone of our daughters' life!!!! Christmas might be a little more fun than we first thought if she starts crawling a little more!!!

We just want to wish all of you Happy Holidays and we are very thankful for all of our friends and family. Don't forget to tell your loved ones that you love them every chance you get because you never know when it will be the last time that you will see them.

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