Friday, October 5, 2007

Two month checkup

Here is Ava happy in her stroller right before we leave to go to the doctor's for her two month check up and shots!!!

Ava weighted 10# 1/2 oz (40th percentile) and was 22 3/4 inches long (75th percentile). The Dr. is very happy with her weight gain and developmental progress. Getting her shots was not so fun. I thought I had heard her scream before, but not until she screamed with the first shots!!! It was horrible because there was nothing I could do for her.

1 comment:

mdw said...

Oh so cute! She looks just like you when you were two months old. I can't believe I can remember that. I'm so old...
Don't jabs suck? For one of Calum's they broke the syringe and had to give it to him again. Ugh...the torture!