Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Back to work.....

Well, I have been back to work for a week now. It has been quite an adjustment for all of us. I am happy to be back to work and be around my kids, but I miss spending time with Ava. I missed being on the sidelines at the football games, except for the fact I got a cold last Friday night because it got so cold!! Ava has had some difficulty adjusting to daycare. She has been extra fussy at daycare and at night. Kim says the only time she is content is in her swing. Hopefully she will get use to her new routine soon (spending time at daycare and evenings with dad and less time with mom than she is use to). Kyle is adjusting well to picking her up after work and spending his evenings with her and getting up with her 3 nights a week. Not that I sleep that well when she is crying, but I can fall back asleep when she stops. That is the update for now. I haven't had time to take any new pictures. Ava is getting baptize next Saturday the 29th, so I will definitely have more pictures then.

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