Friday, September 28, 2007

Two months old

Ava turned two months old today. Since it was a beautiful fall day we took her picture outside on the front porch. She is getting so big. We have our two month check up on Thursday (& shots)!!!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Bumbo Time

Today I decided to try Ava sitting in her bumbo seat. As you can see from the following pictures she loved it for about 10 minutes or so then she wanted nothing to do with it

I try all the time to get pictures of Ava and Champ together, but having dark green carpet and a chocolate lab, he doesn't show up very well. You can kind of see him here sitting handsome next to Ava.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Back to work.....

Well, I have been back to work for a week now. It has been quite an adjustment for all of us. I am happy to be back to work and be around my kids, but I miss spending time with Ava. I missed being on the sidelines at the football games, except for the fact I got a cold last Friday night because it got so cold!! Ava has had some difficulty adjusting to daycare. She has been extra fussy at daycare and at night. Kim says the only time she is content is in her swing. Hopefully she will get use to her new routine soon (spending time at daycare and evenings with dad and less time with mom than she is use to). Kyle is adjusting well to picking her up after work and spending his evenings with her and getting up with her 3 nights a week. Not that I sleep that well when she is crying, but I can fall back asleep when she stops. That is the update for now. I haven't had time to take any new pictures. Ava is getting baptize next Saturday the 29th, so I will definitely have more pictures then.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

5 Generations & Traverse City

Today we made the trip up to Traverse City with Kyle's parents so Ava could meet her great great Grandma and get a 5 generation picture taken before great great grandma moves to Florida. We had a perfect day to travel, Ava did great on the car ride up (she slept the whole way). We stopped at Boones in Sutton's Bay for lunch (Ava's first time in a restaurant and her parents take her to a bar, but she did great). I ran into one of the ladies my mom used to play softball with, that was weird, but nice ( I felt like my mom, always knowing someone everywhere). After lunch we continued on to great grandma's place. Her place is beautiful, it over looks a cherry orchard. We got to spend about an hour with great grand before grandma, papa, Carol and Dale got there. When they got there we took the 5 generation picture and a few others. Ava did great on the ride home as well because she slept the whole time. She really loves riding in the car as long as it is moving!!!!

Ava meeting her great great grandma for the first time. She wasn't to thrilled.
Ava stopped screaming as soon as great great grandma kissed her head. How sweet!!!
5 generations
Great great grandma, great grandpa, grandma, dad & Ava
A better picture of great great grandma and Ava (not screaming)
Great grandpa, great great grandma & Ava

Where will you be in 10 years????

That's the question you get asked for your high school yearbook. We Kyle and I took Ava to her first Mason football game on Friday. She slept thru the first half which wasn't that exciting, actually the game sucked because Mason just couldn't get anything going against Grand Ledge. I was sitting there next to Summer (Miller) Crawford and I was feeding Ava while she was feeding her daughter Laine. I looked over at her and asked " Summer did you ever think we would be sitting here in 10 years with each other feeding our girls' together?" How crazy life is and how it brings friends back together again.
Summer, Laine, Myself & Ava

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Weight Check

Ava and I went to see Dr. Garner today for a weight check. Ava weighed in at 9 lbs. 3.5 oz and she is 22 inches long. Dr. Garner was very happy with her weight gain. We go back in 3 weeks for her 2 month check up and shots. Oh what a fun day that will be............

Monday, September 3, 2007

Labor Day

Ava and I spent Labor Day over at my mom's with my sisters. Kyle decided to work even though he has paid holidays, he is on probation until December 1st and wouldn't get paid for today until then, but we could use the money right now so he decided to work. Here is Ava on her first Labor Day.

One month old

Ava was one month old on Tuesday August 28th.....she is getting so big. She has her 6 week check up this Thursday. We are excited to see how big she is.

Grandpa Hewy time...

Grandpa Hewy was over on Saturday to help Kyle with the pond (which will be FINALLY done next weekend) and decided to feed Ava her morning bottle and play with her. In these pictures is Ava laughing at Grandpa Hewy.

Ha ha grandpa

What dad????