Sunday, July 22, 2007

39 weeks and still not here................

So, I made it to another doctor's appointment last Friday. I wasn't feeling any contractions, but I was having them. My cervix was soft, 50% thinned out and not dilated, but it was opening up easily. So, we are still waiting. If I make it to this Friday's appointment doc told us that he would induce this weekend when ever we could get into Labor and Delivery. So, yeah she will be here this upcoming weekend!!!!!!

Kyle accepted a new job last Tuesday with Ingham County Parks & Rec. He will be doing ground maintenance at Potter Park Zoo. He starts there on Wednesday August 1st. Can you believe he will be working 40 hrs a week, 52 weeks a year, set hours and have paid vacations and holidays!?!?! We are not going to know what to do with ourselves this winter. So, we are happy that Ava will be showing her pretty little face before he has to start his new job.

Check back this weekend for our announcement......................

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck with labor and delivery. We will be anxiously awaiting the announcement of Baby Hensley's arrival. Congrats to Kyle on his new job too. Sounds like everything is working out perfectly for you guys. Please tell Grandma-to-be Hensley I can't wait to share Grandma stories with her.

Rosemary Bailey