Tuesday, July 31, 2007

We are home

Well, we finally made it home last night. Everyone is doing well. Our first night home started out a little rough because someone was wide awake, but we finally settled down about 6am this morning and got about 4 hours of sleep. We really need to work on our night/day schedule.

Thank you to all of your family and friends who sent their congrats!! It means alot to us. We know a lot of you are wanting to see her, so if you are ever out our way just give us a call and we are more than happy for you to stop out. We can't wait to show off our little pride and joy!!!!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Some more pictures with more to come!

First picture with Grandma T
Playing with Grandma T
Sleeping in Aunt Marissa's arms
Just sleeping the day away

She's here!!!!!!

Our Baby has arrived!!

Ava Margaret Hensley was born on Saturday, July, 28th 2007 at 9:20 p.m. She weighed 7 pounds 13 ounces and was 21 inches long. Mom and baby are doing great!

Man it's cold out here!

Friday, July 27, 2007

40 weeks and there is an end in site.......

Kyle and I went to the doctor's this morning for our final appointment. I can't believe that it is already time. Everything is going great except for I'm not dilated yet, but everything is soft that needs to be soft.

So, we have to call Labor & Delivery at 5am Saturday morning to see when we can come in to be induced. So, please keep your fingers crossed that we can get in first thing tomorrow morning. Hopefully, our little bundle of joy with be with us tomorrow.

So, again please keep checking back for details!!!!!!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

39 weeks and still not here................

So, I made it to another doctor's appointment last Friday. I wasn't feeling any contractions, but I was having them. My cervix was soft, 50% thinned out and not dilated, but it was opening up easily. So, we are still waiting. If I make it to this Friday's appointment doc told us that he would induce this weekend when ever we could get into Labor and Delivery. So, yeah she will be here this upcoming weekend!!!!!!

Kyle accepted a new job last Tuesday with Ingham County Parks & Rec. He will be doing ground maintenance at Potter Park Zoo. He starts there on Wednesday August 1st. Can you believe he will be working 40 hrs a week, 52 weeks a year, set hours and have paid vacations and holidays!?!?! We are not going to know what to do with ourselves this winter. So, we are happy that Ava will be showing her pretty little face before he has to start his new job.

Check back this weekend for our announcement......................

Friday, July 13, 2007

38 weeks and still going......

Kyle and I went to the doctor's this morning for our 38 week check up. The little one is still measuring at 38 cm and has a heart beat of 144 bpm. Everything with me is going fine, just some cramping and uncomfortableness, but that's to be expected right?? Well, we will just have to keep on waiting for her grand entrance, hopefully sooner than later, but whenever is great. Not trying to get my/our and everyone hopes up that she will come early. Keep checking back for more updates!!!!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Nursery

Here are the first pictures of the finished nursery. For all of you that saw the room prior to this, what a difference!!!! I hope our little one likes it. Thanks to all the wonderful family and friends that gave us money and gift cards to Babies R Us, you helped us purchase the furniture.

Friday, July 6, 2007

37 week check up

Well, Kyle and I went to the doctor's today for my 37 week check up. To my surprise I didn't gain a pound and she didn't grow either (we are still measuring at 38 cm). The doctor didn't seem to concerned though. Dr. Taylor informed us of a couple things we can start doing today that might help start uterine contractions. So, we are off to Meijer's to get some pill and Raspberry leaf tea!!!! Hope this works because we are so ready for her to be here. I plan on taking pictures of her room today and posting them, so hopefully I find the energy to do that. Also, I want to thank everyone that made it to the baby showers and thank you for all the wonderful gifts and gift cards!!!!! Keep checking back it could be any day now!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

36 Weeks

I went to the Doctor's last Thursday (June 28th) for my 36 week check up. What a wonderful appointment. Gotta love those pelvic exams!!! The doctor informed me that he would be surprised if I made it to my due date because her head was at 0 station in my pelvis (she needs to get to a +2 in the birth canal) and my uterus is soft as it can get and is already thinning out. So, he had to go out of town this past weekend and called both days to see how I was doing and to make sure he didn't need to stay. So, no baby hensley yet, but I am sure she will be here soon. I go back this Friday for my 37 week check up. Keep checking back for any announcements!!!