Monday, May 14, 2007

30 week Check up

Today I went to the Doctor's for my 30 week check up accompanied by my mother-in-law Jane (Kyle is back to work full-time now). Can you believe that I only have 10 weeks left before our little peanut will be here. Crazy!!! Well, I have only gained 1# in 2 weeks (GREAT!!!) a total of 19 #, my belly measured at 29cm which means she grew 3cm in the last 2 weeks (GREAT!! now we don't have to have another ultrasound to make sure she is growing). The doctor seemed to be happy with how everything is progressing so far. I will get my blood drawn again at my 32 week check up to make sure my iron is going up now that I have been on the supplement for 2 weeks. Keep your fingers crossed that my numbers are going up!!!

Well, that is the latest from the Hensley clan. Hope all is well with all of you!!!

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