Monday, May 28, 2007

Our 1st Anniversary

Well, we made it to our first wedding anniversary. Neither one of us can believe it's been a year since that hot day we decided to join our lives together, but it's been a great year!!! We decided to spend our anniversary at the Detroit Tigers game vs. the Cleveland Indians. Too bad they could pull a win out for us, but we had a great time at the game and dinner at Hockeytown Cafe.
I have my 32 week check up this Thursday. I have been feeling great!! I can't believe that I have 9 weeks (on my due date), 11 weeks (if I go 2 weeks late), but hopefully (yes, I know I am asking too much, but can't I hope to go early?!?!) only 7 or 8 more weeks. Check back this upcoming weekend for an update on my doctor's appointment!!!

Friday, May 18, 2007

28 weeks
24 weeks
20 weeks

Here are pictures of my growing belly for all of you who we don't see on a regular basis!!!

Monday, May 14, 2007

30 week Check up

Today I went to the Doctor's for my 30 week check up accompanied by my mother-in-law Jane (Kyle is back to work full-time now). Can you believe that I only have 10 weeks left before our little peanut will be here. Crazy!!! Well, I have only gained 1# in 2 weeks (GREAT!!!) a total of 19 #, my belly measured at 29cm which means she grew 3cm in the last 2 weeks (GREAT!! now we don't have to have another ultrasound to make sure she is growing). The doctor seemed to be happy with how everything is progressing so far. I will get my blood drawn again at my 32 week check up to make sure my iron is going up now that I have been on the supplement for 2 weeks. Keep your fingers crossed that my numbers are going up!!!

Well, that is the latest from the Hensley clan. Hope all is well with all of you!!!

Thursday, May 3, 2007

28 week Check up

Well, I went to the Doctor on Monday to have my 28 week check up. I have gained a total of 18# so far. Not bad, but I hope not to gain to much more. All my blood sugar tests came back normal. My iron level was at the very low end of the normal range, so I have started an iron supplement (thanks mom for the low iron gene). I also measured small (26cm and I should be at 28cm). but the doctor thinks I am carrying her low because I have been having a lot of low pelvic pressure and pain. Other than that everything else is going great. I am feeling great and she is moving around all day everyday. I go back in two weeks for my 30 week check up. I will keep you posted!!!


Hello all,

Well, I decided to start a blog before the baby gets here to share our pictures and how life is going. I will do my best to keep this updated as much as possible especially after the baby gets here. I hope this helps us all keep connected.
