Friday, August 13, 2010

Bob-Lo July 5th

On Monday the 5th, it was gloomy and rainy out. We spent most of the day hanging out in the barn. We went over to the Tavern for dinner and then to Hawks Landing for ice cream. We decided on our way to the Tavern that we were ready to go home because we really didn't want to sleep in our wet tent again, so we were able to get on the last ferry to Cheboygan.

Ava checkin' out the BIG moth that I caught

Ava playin' pool at the Tavern

Ava driving from the Tavern to Hawks Landing

Acelynn driving from Hawks Landing to the ferry dock

We were waiting for the ferry, so the girls wandered over to where the seagulls were hanging out and decided to chase them!!!
We had a great time again. We look forward to going back next year!!!!!

Bob-Lo July 4th

On the 4th we always go down the pier to grill out and watch fireworks. We can see fireworks from Cheboygan, Mackinaw City, Mackinaw Island, St. Ignace, Cedarville and of course all the ones that Amanda's mom and Uncle Mike buy to set off.

Ava posing on the rock
Acelynn finally smiling for a picture

the girls watching fireworks

Our annual 4th of July family picture

mmmmmmmm good Oreo!!!!

Bob-Lo July 3rd

A butterfly that felt at home on our cooler

The Mackinaw Bridge from the pier

the girls hanging out

Acelynn and I

Ava going on her potty

I thought this would be a good time to work on potty training. Oh boy did it pay off!!! She had a couple accidents Thursday and Friday, but by Saturday she was doing great, plus I taught her how to squat!!! (Which helps when you are somewhere where there are not a lot of toilets)

Bob-Lo Island July 1st and 2nd

This year for the 4th of July we headed up to Bois Blanc Island for our 3rd year in a row. We look forward to this camping trip!!! We stayed from July 1st to July 5th!

Acelynn driving the van on the ferry over!

The American Flag that greets you at the dock!

Acelynn enjoying some sun at the beach!

The girls after showers! Ready to relax by the bon fire!

Kyle and Ava hanging by the fire.
When we got to the island we headed over the Harmon Acre Woods. We set up camp in our usual spot and then went down to the beach to swim. We did the same thing on Friday the 2nd. Friday was also our dinner night. We made chicken tacos!

The Parlor

One Saturday after dinner, we decided to drive to Jackson to get ice cream at The Parlor. Ava ordered Strawberry ice cream and we figured the girls would just share that, but the waitress had a different idea. She brought Acelynn her own ice cream cone filled with whipped cream. Acelynn absolutely loved it!

Ava's Surgery

Ava had tubes put back in her ears, her adenoid and tonsils taken out in early June. She did great in the hospital with eating, drinking and going to the bathroom. Once we got home though, she refused to take her pain meds which then made her throat hurt. So we ended up back in the ER three days after surgery where she took her meds, drank 2 glasses of juice and ate 2 popsicles and peed on the little kids potty. (Of course, I threatened her with taking her back to the hospital to put an IV back in her hand and she does fine when we get there, so they don't have to do the IV). At the 2 week point, she was feeling better! And her check up went great!!!

Acelynn came to visit Ava after her surgery!!

Ava just hanging out in her crib

After being awake all day after surgery she finally crashed around 9pm, just in time for mom and dad not to be able to yell at the TV because Gallaraga got screwed out of his perfect game!!!

Flowers from GG and Grandma & Papa!

Another pic of the girls hanging out in Ava's crib