Saturday, November 28, 2009


Leslie High School put on Cinderella last weekend as their fall musical. I thought it would be a great opportunity to take Ava. So, my friend Linda and her daughter Cassi, Ava and I all went. We met at McDonald's for dinner and then went to the play. The girls had a great time and sat through the whole thing!!!! They got to dress up in their beautiful Cinderella dresses!!

Ava and Cassi

Cassi and Ava with their magical wands (that they got for free for dressing up)
After the musical they allowed everyone to go up on stage to take pictures on the palace steps and in the carriage!!!

Ava on the steps

Cassi on the steps

Ava in the carriage

Afterwards, we stopped by the VFW for the Buck Pole. Ava loved seeing the BIG BUCKS!!! Why is it that my daughter will pet the dead deer and pull it up to her by their antlers but is terrified of Elmo, Mickey, Santa, Sparty and the Blackhawk in character????


Here are some random pictures from the last month or so....

Ava visiting Uncle Steve at the Fire station!!!

The girls taking a bath together...

Acelynn standing up by herself

Acelynn waiting patiently to get in the tub

Ava being a BIG helper and feeding Acelynn

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Okay, so it has only taken me a month to post these....We took the girls over to my sister in laws house to go trick or treating. Ava and Cameron rode in the wagon together and did a great job of saying "trick or treat" or "I want candy" and then saying Thank you. Acelynn ended up falling asleep in the stroller!! Great time had by all!!!

The girls in the Halloween attire for daycare

our pumpkins (Ava's is the cat and Acelynn's is the bat)

Ava getting all the goop out so I could carve it!!!


Savannah the cop, Laine the MSU Cheerleader, Acelynn the Tin Man, Carter the Lion, Cameron the Scarecrow and Ava as Dorothy

Tin Man, Lion, Scarecrow & Dorothy

outside playing in the leaves!!!

Dorothy & Tin Man

Tin Man!!