Thursday, July 16, 2009

Bois Blanc Island

For 4th of July this year, we headed up to Bois Blanc Island again with our friends Amanda & Ben. Amanda's parents own some land up there with a nice pole barn on it and that is where we tent it for the weekend. We left Thursday afternoon and headed to Cheboygen to catch the ferry that would take us over to the island. This year we decided to take the van over, not sure how we did it last year with no car. Once we got over there and to the property we set up camp. The girls did great the whole weekend and adjusted to sleeping outdoors in the tent. We were able to go to the beach and hang in the sun, the water was a little cold but Ava got to play in Lake Mary. We were able to see fireworks from Mackinaw City, St. Ignace, Mackinaw Island and Cedarville. We had a great time and plan on going back again next year!

waiting for the ferry in Cheboygen

the girls hangin' in the van on the ferry ride over (the water was a little rough so if you stood outside you got wet)

Kyle & Ava checkin' out the water

we let Ava drive for a little bit on the island. Yes, they still abide by the same laws we do on the main land, but the speed limit there is 25mph and not a lot of traffic (you MIGHT pass someone while you are driving around and if you do they are more likely to be on an ATV)

Acelynn ridin' shotgun with mommy

Ava spent almost an hour just throwing rocks into Lake Huron!!

Acelynn snoozin' while we watched Ava throw rocks!!

Ava testing out the sand

admiring the view

snack time by the camp fire

all ready for bed and relaxin' with dad by the fire

ridin' around the property

Kyle & Acelynn trying to stay warm

Ava & I

relaxin' at the beach

enjoying some beach time

our friends Amanda & Ben

playin' in the rocks waiting for fireworks

our family picture with the Mackinaw Bridge in the back drop

Happy 4th of July

staying warm

waiting for fireworks

fun at Lake Mary

sun bathing

sleeping in the tent

Acelynn getting ready to drive the van on the ferry!!!

3 months 4

I've been trying to load these pictures for the last few days, but blogger has been having issues. So, these are Acelynn's 3 month pictures even though she is already 4 months old now. I took her to the doctors yesterday. She weighed in at 11# 11oz (10th percentile), she is 23.5" long (25th percentile) and her head circumference is 15". She is doing great developmental wise. She is rolling over from belly to back and back to belly. Turning herself in circles trying to get to toys. Loves putting her links around her arms for bracelets and is VERY alert!! She is sleeping through the night and eating very well. We are going to start her on rice cereal this weekend!!!

Ava is doing well also. She is going to be 2 on the 28th. Wow how time flies. She goes in for her 2 yr check up on the 31st, so we will she how big she has gotten. She has been dealing with lots of rashes lately because come to find out she is allergic to something in the buy spray/wipes we have been using. So, we have finally gotten all that calmed down now, but when she gets bit by those darn mosquitoes she swells right up. Pour thing!! She is also cutting her 2yr molars, so she hasn't been feeling quite herself lately. She loves to cook, take care of her dolls (she is such a mom, breastfeeding and all), loves to read and sing. She is repeating everything you say, so you really have to be careful what you say around her!!!!