Thursday, October 23, 2008


We had our ultrasound on yesterday. Everything went well. Baby Henlsey is growing right on schedule (March 18th). The heart was beating perfectly. We did not find out the sex of the baby, so everyone will just have to wait until this little one shows it's face!!!!
Here a few pics.....

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Happy Fall

Here are a few pics that I took of Miss Ava on our front porch with her pumpkins....

playin' in the leaves....

Baby #2 Update

I went to the doctor's two weeks ago for my 16 week check up. Everything went great!! The heartbeat was still very strong. We go on Wednesday the 22nd for our ultrasound to make sure baby is growing they way he/she should, but don't get too excited because we are NOT finding out the sex of this one. It's going to be a SURPRISE in March!!!!


A couple weeks ago, our friends Amanda and Ben came into town and we decided to go bowling. It was Ava's first time and she loved it for the first 5 frames then all she wanted to do was walk around. Her are a few pics from that day.......

Ava's is the yellowish one in the middle...

Ready to help me daddy????

Here are my two cuties in two very ugly colors............if they weren't so damn cute this would be an UGLY picture....

Ava hangin' out with her friend Hudson watching the Lion's lose of course......

Last Sunday we were all laying around being lazy and watching football. Ava started straining like she was getting ready to poop. So, I asked her if she was pooping and she grabbed her butt, so I hurried her into the bathroom and sat her on her potty and the next thing we know she has POOPED!!!! She loves sitting on her potty, but hasn't gone on it since, but she is still interested!!!

1st Poop on the potty......