Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Some more pictures....

Here are some more pictures of Ava....


Sitting pretty.......

Standing up with help from the kick and crawl (and eating it)


6 months old

Ava turned 6 months old on Monday. She is growing and learning so much everyday.She is sitting up by herself, rolling all over the place and standing up next to things. Everything is going in her mouth, so teething is around the corner. She is making tons of noises and eating great. She loves all her veggies and we will start her on fruits this weekend. We will be going to the doctor's next Wednesday for her 6 month check up. Make sure to check back later next week for her growth update.

Here are some recent pictures of Ava from the last month or so.....

Being cute in daddy's hat

Not so sure about those Green beans

Jumpin' in my Jumparoo

Pink Nun......

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Out with the old....in with the New.....

This past weekend we updated our kitchen. We used our Christmas money to buy a new dishwasher (thank heaven) and were just going to replace the one piece of counter top and get a new sink. But as we started pricing things out, it wouldn't cost that much more to replace all of the counter tops, so we picked out a neutral color.

Old counter tops
New counter tops
New dishwasher, sink and facet
The dishwasher
As you can see we are missing a piece of our floor. There is never a home improvement project without interesting issues. After the boys (Kyle, Steve and Shaun) got the dishwasher hooked up, they installed the end panel which was 3" wider than pictured, but when they went to install the counter top, it was 3" too short. The guy at Menards forgot to put in the computer the extra 3" for the overhang. So, the boys had to cut down the end panel and redo the electric (the outlet box was too deep). It looks fine and will work, but we just now have to figure out a way to fix the floor. The other issue is/was is that we are still waiting on our sink. It was suppose to be in by the 12th and we are still waiting. When we called, it was suppose to be here any day. Well as of the 14th, we were still waiting. So, Kyle called again (my first 3 attempts failed) and finally talked to the department manager, who call the factory. Come to find out, they are out of stock and won't be in til the end of the month ( I really don't want to wait til then to have my kitchen done), so the guy was super nice and gave us the display and some money off. He said he would call us when our actual sink came in and we could switch them. As for the counter top they gave us a nice big refund of $25..............whoo hoo, that helps out soooo much. But all in all, our kitchen is done and we have a working dishwasher, sink and nice new counter tops!!!!!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Playing in the Snow

I took Ava outside on Wednesday to play in the snow. We didn't stay out long because her face started to get cold, but I did get a few pictures.
Snow Angel

What is this white stuff??