Saturday, November 24, 2007

Silver Bells in the City.........City of Mason that is.....

Cris, Megan, Kyle and I took Ava and Aubrey to Silver Bells in Mason on Friday night. We really weren't impressed with the parade because there was at least a block and a half between each float, but there were some nice ones (at least the ones we did see). So, we left thinking the parade was done, but boy were we mistaken. It was just slow.... So we ventured on to see Santa. Not the greatest pick for Santa and Mrs. Claus, they looked at little rough. We definitely wouldn't let them hold Ava. We will go to the mall soon and have her picture taken with Santa there (hopefully he doesn't look like he was picked from the streets). Here are a few pics from that night.

My mom picked this up for "the baby" last Christmas. It is very cute, but Ava got a little lost in it!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving

We spent Thanksgiving at Kyle's parents house. It was very nice to have everyone there. Ava was great all day and everyone holding her. Here she is with her Grandpa Hewy in her 1st Thanksgiving outfit.

Here is Ava with her great grandpa who hadn't seen her in two months, boy were they happy to see each other!!!
Grandpa, I'm tuckered out and stuffed!!!! Can we snuggle???

Sunday, November 11, 2007


We took Ava last night to her first MSU hockey game. She did very well. None of the loud noises (the siren that went off 6 times after MSU goals) didn't even phase her. Since we were there and Ava was dressed in her MSU attire (Kyle was not too pleased) we thought it would be nice to get Ava's picture taken with Sparty.

I would like to send a shout out to the Leslie Blackhawk football team for pulling an upset on Saturday against #1 ranked Kalamazoo Christian. The boys' played awesome and stopped on offense that averages 43 points a game and held them to zero. They now move on to play Blissfield Saturday November 17th at 1pm at Hillsdale College for the semi-finals. I wouldn't mind making a trip to Ford Field the day after Thanksgiving. I hope we can go down and beat Blissfield, since they were sooooooo sure they were going to be playing Kzoo Christian, that even the radio announcers on Friday were saying that next up for Blissfield was Kzoo Christian and they hadn't even won yet. Never under estimate the underdog!!!!
GO HAWKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 8, 2007


I took Ava outside today, so I could get some fall pictures before the snow actually started to stick. They turned out great!!!

What are these???

Bath time

During Ava's bath last night, I decided to actually just put her in the tub after we were done bathing her. She wasn't to fond of being on her back, but she loved being on her belly. She was kicking and splashing with her hands. She would also slide down and then push of the end of the tub. It was a lot of fun to watch her play in the water. Next summer will be a lot of fun swimming in my mom's pool.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

3 months old

Ava turned 3 months old on October 28th. So here are her pictures. She is happy and almost healthy (still fighting off a little bit of her cold). She is starting to babble a ton and turn herself in circles on the floor. She is rolling from belly to back, but hasn't quite got the back to belly bit, almost though.